Chapter 22: Sebastian

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22 Sebastian

I was almost certain I was dead, and was surprised when I opened my eyes to see sunlight pouring over my bed and Tom sitting at my side. He had one hand on my chest, the other on my head, and was praying, his eyes closed as he rocked himself in his seat. I couldn't help but smile.

For the first time in I didn't know how long, I felt pretty good. Aside from a lingering ache in my left side, I felt as close to normal as I'd ever been. My chest rose with ease when I took a deep breath in through the cannula, and I gasped as I blew it out slow, waiting for the ache of under-oxygenation to kick in. Only it never did.

Tom's eyes flew open as I moved a little, and he removed his hands to grin at me. "Hey, how you feeling?"

"Like a million bucks, actually." I said, and matched his smile. "My side kinda hurts though."

He nodded. "There's a drainage tube connected to your left lung."

Frowning, I looked down to see said tube that connected me to an opaque container hanging above the bed. "What for?"

"Your lung had filled up with blood, which was why you couldn't breathe yesterday. They had to suck it out."

My brows furrowed as I laid my head back into the pillow. "Yesterday?"

He nodded. "You were gone almost twenty-four hours."

I lifted a hand to my forehead as that dawned on me. "Felt like five minutes ago."

"I'm sure. But you feel better?"

"I feel great. I don't think I've ever taken a clean breath before." As if to prove it, I inhaled deeply again and blew it out slow.

"Well, let's not push it." He said with a grin. "Actually, the doctor that was in here this morning said something about you going home soon."

I arched a brow as I picked at the tape around the IV in my hand. "Really?"

He nodded. "I mean... since you're refusing further treatment and everything, they said there's no real reason to keep you. You can maintain your regular medications from home. Although, the nose jewelry will be a constant now." He tapped his nose as I wriggled the cannula within my nostrils.


He grinned. "At least you'll be home."

I nodded, my eyes sweeping around the room. "Where's Summer?"

"Down the hall. They're only letting us see you one a time for now so... yeah, I called first dibs." He smiled again. "I wanted a chance to pray."

I nodded slowly, my eyelids feeling heavy. "Why am I so tired?"

"You're coming out of some pretty hefty anesthetic. It'll wear off soon."

I sighed heavily as I watched him. "So, I guess this'll be it. My last rodeo."

At that, his smile sank, and I watched him swallow hard. "We're still praying for our miracle, Bas, and we won't stop until we have it."

I shook my head. "Don't pray for a miracle. Pray for God's will to be done."

Though he pursed his lips, he inclined his head ever so slightly, then scooted back from the chair. "Do you want to see Summer?"

I nodded.

"I'll see if I can wrestle her in before Mama and your brothers."

"They're here?"

He nodded. "Since yesterday afternoon. We all stayed up in the waiting room all night."

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