Chapter 18: Sebastian

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18 Sebastian

I woke in a heap on the floor of my office. Immediately jerking myself upright, I dug my hands into the couch to push myself up, then reached into my pocket for my phone. I couldn't believe I had fallen asleep in prayer, and after being short with Summer no less.

My eyes flitted to the wall clock as I scrolled to her contact. There were still two hours until church started, but I'd be lucky if Summer even wanted to see me at all, much less come to church with me. I'd gotten upset and directed my frustration at her. And here I was supposed to be setting a positive Christian example.

Pursing my lips, I called her, throwing open the office door as I did so. I froze halfway to my room, however, at the sound of Summer's ringtone drifting softly from the living room. No doubt, she forgot her phone as she angrily left me, but I frowned when I noticed her purse still hanging behind the door. Hanging up the call, I set my phone on the bar and crossed to it, pulled her phone from inside with confusion.

Until I turned around.

Summer was curled up in a ball in the armchair, fast asleep. With her arms tucked beneath her chin, head on the arm, she looked positively adorable, and I let out a breath as I went to her and sat on the coffee table at her side. She didn't stir when I brushed her hair off her brow, and I smiled as I skimmed my knuckles down her cheek.

"Summer?" I whispered, but she still didn't wake.

Standing, I tiptoed down the hall and took the world's fastest shower. She was still sleeping by the time I was dressed and returned. As quietly as I could, I started the coffee pot, and pulled a pack of bacon and eggs from the fridge.

Summer came awake just as I was setting breakfast on the bar. She roused slowly, turning over to stretch her arms and legs, her eyes closed as I went to her. When she finally looked up at me, a broad smile spread over her face.

"Morning, sleepyhead." I teased, and she grinned wider as she stretched again.

"Good morning. Are you feeling better?" She asked around a yawn, and I nodded as I sat on the edge of the table just as she rose to sit in the chair.

"Will you forgive me?" I asked, and she frowned.

"For what?"

"Being short with you."

She waved a dismissive hand. "Bas, you're human. You're allowed to fall apart sometimes."

I shook my head even as I wilted at her calling me Bas. "Not in front of you, and I never, ever should have blamed you for my own shortcomings. Please, forgive me."

She rolled her eyes on a grin. "I forgive you, weirdo." She took my hand and pulled me to my feet as she stood. "But only if you can forgive me for crashing uninvited on your couch."

"Technically, it was my armchair."

She rolled her eyes as I grinned at her, then I stepped back as she started looking me up and down, an appraising glint in her eyes.


"Nothing. You just look nice."

I smoothed my tie as I looked down at myself. I was wearing black jeans and an Easter purple shirt with a plum tie, and blushed when I looked at her again. "Thanks."

"Is that what you usually wear to church?"

"Most of the time, yeah. It's not dress code or anything. I mean, I've seen people come in shorts and sandals. Which is totally fine." I quickly added, then shrugged. "I just prefer to look decent before the Lord."

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