Chapter 1

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It has been 3 months since I was locked up for killing 4 kids at my school. I didn't do it though. I swear I didn't do it, but no one believes me. I mean, I didn't even know them.
I was walking through the football field on my way back from lunch, I went to my favourite cafè, Little Paradise. I just had a sandwich and (f/d). Its such a nice day out today too, the birds are chirpping, the sun shinning down on me, and listening to my favourite band (b/n). Until I heard screaming, I thought it was just kids goofing around, then I walked around the corner of the football stands. Thats when I saw him.
He had lemony yellow hair, parted in the middle, and a wicked smile on his face, he was enjoying this! He was slaughtering 4 kids, why? Who would do something like this?! I couldnt keep in my horrified gasp as he slashed and stabbed. He must've heard me, he looked up and we locked eyes, his piercing green eyes looked into my blue and purple ones. I thought I was next as he stalked over to my frozen form. Move legs, MOVE! WHY CANT I MOVE?! I'm so scared right now, I need to get away! Insead of killing me though, he handed me his blade, covered in the blood of his victims. In fear I took it... bad idea on my part. That's when I heard police officers, yelling at me to put the weapon down and get on the ground. I turned and looked at them, fear writen all over my face, but I guess from where they are they don't see it. I looked back at the man, but he was gone, not a trace left of him anywhere. Where did he go?! I dont have a choice, I dropped the bloddied blade, and got down, three officers held me down and cuffed me.
"I didnt do this, I swear! Didn't you see him?! I-I dont understand!" I was yelling at them.
"Shut-up! Youre under arrest for the murder of 4 high schools students!" The officer yelled at me, shoving his knee into my back, it hurts. I couldn't even turn around to see their faces they were pushing me down so hard. I stopped talking.
They roughly pulled me up, and shoved me into the back of their cruiser, hitting my head in the process.

And thats how I ended up here. Stuck in this cell. In the middle of butt-fuck nowhere. I need to figure out how to get out, I need to clear my name. I'm inocent.

□~□ (<- thats what I'll put for time skip)

It was dark out, I could only tell by this little tiny window with bars on it. I was laying on the hard wooden block I'm supposed to call my bed, when I heard the cell blocks door open, screeching on its hinges. Curious, I got up and looked through the bars on my cell door. A tall man with some kind of mask on his face came in, and started walking in the direction of my cell, or maybe one me. He was tall, well everyones tall since I'm so short, but this guy was huge. He was wearing a long black coat and from what I can tell placket pants, I couldn't see his face due to the mask, but he was probably scary. I watched as he walked to my cell and stopped. He was looking at me... I think. I can't see through his mask.
"I can help you child." He said, his voice was deep, menacing. I took a step back, cautious.
"What do you mean? Help me? With what?" I asked, attitude dripping from my voice. Who is this guy? What does he want from me?
"I'll make all this go away, and you'll be free." He said, he's calm, too calm to have broken into a prison. "Will you accept my offer?" He can get me out? He can clear my name, and get me out of here.
"What's the catch?" I'm sceptical.
"Help me with my research, and I will help you" he said before opening my cell door and stretching out his hand to shake on it. I hesitated a little before grabbing his hand and shaking.
"You got yourself a deal"

Big mistake.

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