Chapter 5

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I woke up to a loud noise, it sounded kinda like the blades of a helicopter. Where am I? What happened? It started to come back to me, running through the hallways of the prison, getting outside, meeting that lady. What was her name again? Mimiki? Momiko? Something like that. I thought as I squinted, I didnt want them knowing I was awake. I could hear voices to, one female, and two male. One belonging to that woman, so the other two must be pilots or something, I can tell that we're in a helicopter at this point.
"I know you're awake, I can see your eyes open" Momoko said, she has such a stern voice. Dammit, I wanted to listen in on what's going on.
"Where are we? What's going on?" I spoke with a sigh, opening my eyes properly and looking around, I would stretch my arms but my hands are cuffed and behind me.
"We are just arriving at Nanba prison. I am the warden of this prison and you WILL NOT cause any trouble here. The guards for your cell block are waiting down on the helipad" the way she said it left no room for discussion, but at least my questions were answered.
We landed and I was dragged out of the helicopter and shoved inside the building, I met Seitarou. He was some pretty boy guard who looked like he couldnt even hurt a fly, with long sky blue hair and I'm guessing the Nanba guard uniform. His magenta eyes too soft to work in any prison. How'd he even get hired here?!

□~□ about an hour later

All the paper work was filled out for my transfer into building 13 cell 13, my inmate number is now 1313, such an unlucky number TWICE! I sigh to myself, internally cursing myself for being so unlucky.
"Let's go inmate 13" I heard from behind me, turning around to the scary voice I saw an even scarier face glaring at me for whatever reason. His red eyes piercing into my soul, scrutinizing my every move, over his left eye is an upside down "t" shaped scar, and under that guards hat was his blade head.
"This is Supervisor Hajime Sugoroku, hes in charge of building 13" Seitarou seemed nervous, was it me making him nervous? I've been told I have a natural glare all the time now. It could also be Hajime, he seems mean, just by looking at him.
As we walk the hallways, there was an uncomfortable silence looming over us. I feel like I should say something, this silence is deafening. Just as I was about to speak he spoke first, "We're here. Welcome to cell 13" he grumbled, opening the door to the cell. I could hear voices coming from inside, they all sounded male though. Weird, but whatever. I thought as I peeked in, looking around cautiously. "Here's your new roommate, be nice" Hajime spoke up, grabbing the attention of the 4 guys in there and shoving me into the cell causing me to stumble in, barely keeping my balance and locking the door. I deadpanned, he doesnt need to be so rude, shoving me like that!
"Wait... it's a girl?!" The one with the blue and white striped hat yelled out, with the number 11 attached to it. He had long braided orange and pink hair, and bright blue eyes. His smile was blinding, I noticed a tattoo on his left shoulder going down his arm too.
"Whaaat? Really?!" A green haired boy screamed as well running up to me with an even bigger smile on his face, "Do you like anime? Manga?! How about video games!?!" Questions came pouring out of his mouth faster than I could even talk, he had long light green hair, and big red eyes. By his face I could tell he seemed quite innocent and hopefully nice. Around his right ankle was a ball and chain, looks heavy. I thought, I was about to answer when some other dude started asking questions too.
"Do you like fighting? How about food? What's your favourite food?!" He then starts drooling mumbling something about what was gonna be for dinner tonight. So some kind of foodie that likes to fight? He had purple hair with the middle, kinda like a mohawk thing, being red. He seemed built to fight, probably fights a lot, and his golden yellow eyes staring off to no-mans-land daydreaming about food.
"Leave her alone. You're all freaking her out" a bored voice off to the side of the room spoke up, I mean, I'm fine but thanks for the save I guess? He had black hair, the tips fading to red. His eyes though are like mine, heterochroma, one a purple-magenta colour, and the other an emerald green. On his right cheek I could see 15 tattooed there, must be his inmate number. Those shackles... are like mine... what the hell?! I noticed shackles around both wrists and ankles and one around his neck. Though mine seemed a little smaller, they're the same. I guess I was staring at him or something because he started to look uncomfortable, "Is there something wrong?" He asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. Better to just ask I suppose.
"Where... where did you get your shackles?" I moved away from the green haired boy and into a better view of the guy with the shackles, as soon as I did he saw mine and his eyes went wide.
"Hey! Those are like Jyugo's!" The green boy yelled, excitement all over his features, I think he's just excited about everything.
"I got them a long time ago... back in one of my other prisons. Some guard put them on and I cant get them off" he seemed bored, but angry at the same time. Its gotta be the same guy then! The man with the scar on his neck!
I pointed to the back of my neck, "Did he have a scar? On his neck?" I needed to know, and when he nodded to confirm it I didn't even know what to think. He's done this to other people, and I thought I was the monster, "Jyugo right? What do yours do?" I activated my right hands blade, I didnt care all that much who saw them. I just want them off.
"Well" he looked at his cellmates and pointed at my blade, with a heavy sigh he spoke again, "They do that"
"Really? Let us see!!" Foodie and anime guy spoke excitedly at the same time, while hat guy nodded obnoxiously with a huge smile.
"No, I cant always control them yet. I could hurt you" they looked disappointed but understanding. They knew they couldnt force him to activate them, so they just kinda dropped it. I deactivated mine, in fear of scaring them as well, I do have to live with them now.
"Aw man! That sucks but okay. Anyway! I'm Uno! I'd like to know why a pretty girl was sent to Nanba" he said, great, a dude obsessed with girls.
  "I broke out of my other prisons so I guess that's why?" I'm not honestly sure myself, but that would be my best guess.
I'll break outta here too, just you watch.

The Two Escapees (Jyugo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now