Chapter 6

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   "So are you some kid of jail breaker like Jyugo? Oh! I'm Nico by the way! And anime and manga make the world go round!!" Said the green haired anime fanboy, who I now know as Nico.
   "Um... well, I haven't broken out of too many prisons" technically only 2 and I broke out of that lab, that place was like a prison though, so I'll count it. "I cant agree with you on the whole anime thing, sorry. I've barely watched the stuff" I looked over at him, sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck.
   "That's okay! I'll show you all my favourites!!" He exclaimed, sparkles in his eyes just thinking about watching all his favourite anime again. He turns and goes running over to the small little tv we have in here, throwing boxes of show all over the place. What did he do to end up here? He seems like an excited little kid, I thought, watching him fanboy over the manga he was holding.
   "I'm Rock by the way, I like food" the big fighty looking guy came over to me, seemingly calmer than before. "We havent gotten your name yet though, what is it?" He asked, quite nicely might I add.
   "The names (Y/N)!" I say, pointing my thumb to my chest, trying to look a little cool, failing spectacularly. I probably looked like an idiot. "What's there to do in here for fun?" I looked around and Nico was already watching an anime show, Jyugo was sitting in the corner with a bored expression on his face, but as soon as I asked that question there was a mischievous glint in his eye.
   "You wanna see what we do for fun around here?" Uno patted my shoulder and spun me around to see Juygo walkin to the door. I looked like he merely grabbed the handle and it opened on it's own.
   "How the hell was that so easy for you?! When I break out I have to think of a whole plan and gather all the tools and supplies I need, how did you do that? Can you teach me?" It all came out in one breath, taking a gulp of air I stared at him waiting for Juygo to share his secrets.
   "I dont know if I can teach someone that, it's always just come naturally to me, it's my only skill" he explained while walking out into the hallway
   "It really is the only thing he can do, but who cares, let's go!" Uno and Rock took off after Juygo and Nico slipped past as well.
   "Arent you coming?" Nico stopped to look at me. Hell, why not. What are they gonna do? Throw me in jail? Ha, I'm hilarious. I gave Nico a smirk and walked up to him, hes just a bit taller than me.
   "Let's do it!" Yelling out I took off down the hall to catch up with the others, Nico right behind me.
I think I'm gonna like it here with these idiots.

The Two Escapees (Jyugo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now