Chapter 4

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Sitting alone in my cell, I hear the other inmates in the common area talking and laughing with each other. I've been here for about a week now, and I believe it's Sunday. There's less guards around on Sundays I heard, especially at night, I plan on escaping tonight just after it gets dark. Through my week here I have a basic understanding of the layout of this area, I snuck out to explore the place 2 nights ago, I was caught though and thrown right back in my cell. I was out for quite a while, I'm actually surprised it took them so long to find and recapture me.

□~□ nightfall

Its finally time, jeez it's been a boring day. I did next to nothing today, as I was preparing for my great escape. I dont need anything I mean it's not like I have any belongings.
I waited roughly half an hour after I saw the last guard leave the area, and used my left hand to create the smaller blades that are like my big sword on my right arm.
I just escaped from that horrid lab, when I realized I haven't yet figured out what the shackle and light was on my left wrist. I ducked into an alley and activated it the same way I do with my right shackle. Again, there was that deep glowing red in my hand, in my palm to be exact, and I noticed what seemed to be little needles poking out of the center on my hand. I poked at them with my fingers and was able to get a grip on one. I started to pull on it, as it slid out of my hand it was the same colours and shape of that sword that come out of my right arm. Weird, I thought to myself, what is this? I pulled it out, and it was a small little dagger or knife. There wasn't a handle on it so I couldn't use it as such, so like, some kind of throwing knife? I threw it at the wall and it got stuck, half way through the length of the small blade inside the wall. Oh wow! So cool!! I could really use this, I small smile spread on my face, I hated what that man did to me, but I gotta admit it was kinda cool.
I'll stay I'm this alley for the night.
I pulled out one of the blades from my glowing palm, and shimmied my hand through the bars to stab it into the lock. I heard some clicking and popping as I juggled it around and then tada! The door swung right open, as I pulled my hand back through the bars though, I gripped the blade too tight and it cut my hand. Couldn't I have gotten these things with handles??? Thankfully it wasn't super deep, more like a paper cut across my hand, but it burned like hell and was bleeding. I walked back over to the blanket that was on my bed, cut a piece off and wrapped it around the wound to help the bleeding stop. Then I made my break.
Running through the hallways was like a maze, just like the other day, but now I have some kind of idea where I'm going. Sudden footsteps made me stop dead in my tracks, looking around there was a small counter and cabinet on the far side of the wall. I dashed and squashed myself into cabinet and closed the door.
"Who's there? I heard you" the guard called out, the light from his flashlight shone through the small gap in the door briefly. He didn't see me but it seemed like he heard me. Please... please don't look here. Waiting as silently as I could, I heard him sigh and continue his rounds, footsteps fading, then gone I practically fell out of the cabinet. I slowly made my way to the corner he went around and saw no one. I'm practically home free! I cheered to myself, starting to run back in the direction I was going.
After running for a while I saw it, the EXIT sign nice and bright above the door at the end of the hallway. I stared making my way down the hall to the doors when I heard guards. They seem to be running and it sounds like more than just one or two. I need hurry, c'mon, run legs! Faster!
"Stop! Stop right there!" They were shouting at me but I kept going, I ain't stopping now! I blasted right through the door with my right arms blade, but there was nowhere to go, guards and officers everywhere, is that a helicopter?! Holy shit. The bright light making me wince from the dark hallways I was just running through.
"Inmate 13? Guess this saves us some time, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Momoko Hykushiki, the warden of Nanba prison. You'll be transferring over there immediately" she stood there, wearing tall black boots with red and gold hearts up the centers, at the top of the boots were golden spikes. Her uniform was a dark red, with 2 spikes on each of her shoulders, and a red guards hat. She had long blue hair. Her hair kinda looks like a Christmas tree. I thought with a slight smirk on my face.
"I ain't going" I waved her off and looked around, no openings to make a run for it, damn. Making eye contact with here, I couldn't make out the colour of her eyes because of the shadow over her face from all these light.
"Do it now" she spoke to a gurd behind me and before I could even turn around I felt a needle sliding into my neck.
"Wait, what the hell?! The fuck are you doing?!" He stepped back as I became a bit dizzy, what was that? "What did you... do to... me?" Everything faded to back, sleep taking me into its grasp.

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