Chapter 3

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3 days. I've been in this cage, all alone, for 3 days. Every so often, a guard of sorts would come in and bring me some food and water. The food was awful, and the water was warm. Shoulda stayed in that prison. The food there was better than this shit. I would nibble on it throughout the day, it was all they would give me, that and I couldn't eat more than 2 bites without wanting to puke. I need to get out of here. Over the last 3 days I've been stuck in here, I've noticed a few things. One, there's 2 doors, one on the far end of the room, and one a little closer, on the opposite side. Two, when the guard gives me my food, he needs to disengage the barrier around the cage to get the food from outside to inside. That'll be my chance, I'm gonna need to be fast though.

□~□ 2 hours later

The guard came in, with the tray of garbage in his hand. Okay, this is my one shot. I can't screw this up. He walked up to the side of the cage, a bored look on his face, he yawned and scratched the back of his neck. He put the code in to disable the barrier and moved to slide my food in. I'm so sorry it's gotta be you. You're a sacrifice to the greater good though. Since being here, I've become quite hateful, feeling little to no other emotions. As soon as he gets close, I jump up, activating my right hands blade, as I've gotten quite good at it over the last few days, and rammed it through his chest, a tear forming at the corner of my eye. I dont want to kill anyone, I never have, it just isn't me. But I need to get out of here. He coughed up blood and looked at me. Then he went limp. I ripped my blade out and started cutting at the steel bars, I really hope this works. After a while, probably 30 mins, I made a gap just big enough for me to get through. I darted over to closest door and to my amazement it was unlocked. Heh, they probably figured I'd never get out. Behind that door was another door, I had to cut through that one, but it was a little easier with my blade. Through the hole I made was a bright light, I peered through, and was met with fresh air and the light sound of rain. I ducked down and through the hole and ran. I had no idea where I was heading, but I need to run, never look back at that place and run.

□~□ 2 days later

"Man I'm tired" I groan out, I've had to steal small amounts of food and water bottles, I had no money, I stole come clothes too so I wasn't in my bloodied clothes from that lab anymore. This morning while I was in a convenience store, I saw my mug shot on the little tv the cashier had on, saying I escaped from prison just over a month ago, and killed a guard in the process. Okay, well I guess that's all kinda true. I thought, I grabbed what I need and was outta there.
"This is dumb. I need a way to get some money, so maybe I can stay at an inn for a day or two" I thought around.
"Hey! It's her!" I turned around to the guy shouting, "Its the girl on tv! Hurry and call it in! Oooh we'll be rich bro!!" He yelled, all excited to his buddy beside him who was on the phone. Shit, I need to get out of here! I booked it, running as fast as my feet could take me. I was running down some random street when I heard the sirens, and they were close. I turned down an alley, but just my luck it's a dead end. I turn to run back out but it was too late, I was done. Cop cars littered the opening to the alley, officers standing behind their doors and cars, guns pointed at me. I put my hands up, I dont feel like getting shot today,
"Get down!" I did as I was told.
And then I was thrown in jail. Again.

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