Chapter 2

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Why did let him "help" me? I was trapped down to a metal surgical table, tubes and wires stabbed into my skin, hooked up to all these machines, the beeping loud in my ears. Healing gashes in my arms and legs from him and his lackeys. Why are they doing this? Why me? And he said he was going to help me, what a joke. I should've just turned around and told him to fuck off. I'm so stupid, I shouldve just-
My thoughts are cut short the door opening, and the sound of heavy boots on the floor, coming closer. I turn my head and see him. The man with the scar on the back of his neck. The man who said he could help.
He pulled out a long blade from under the table, shining in the bright lights all around me. Sudden panic erupts throughout my body as he lowers the blade toward my right arm, I struggle to get out of the restraints, a futile attempt at best.
"What are doing?! Get away!" I scream, I feel another scream rip through my throat as his blade makes contact with my arm. Just under my elbow. Everything starts to fade as the pain just keeps getting worse. And then black. Darkness takes me.


I woke up to pain in right arm, a lot of pain. I noticed I was no longer restrained though, which is a plus I guess. However, I'm in a cage. Where the hell am I? I was in a cube, made of bars. I got up, and slowly made my way to one walls of bars. Nope. Can't fit through. "Dammit" I whispered to myself. I looked around. Nothings here, just me in this box. I looked down at my right arm, the pain was remarkably subsiding. I had a shackle like bracelet, great, how do I get it off? I put my other hand on it and noticed a smaller shackle on that wrist too. Now what? What are these things? I thought. A big steel door opened on the far side of the room, grabbing my attention. There stood the neck scar guy with his stupid mask.
"What the hell did you do to me?! What are these?!!" I screamed at him. I stared at him with hate filling me, rage in my eyes. That's when I felt something weird happening to my right arm, I looked down and there was a long blade, or sword if you will coming out of my arm, where my hand should be. My left hand glowing a deep dark red and black. Matching the sword. I brought it up to eye level to get a better look, confusion and fear floating around in me. Looking at it I noticed my reflection, my eyes burning and glowing a bright red.
"It seems the experiment was a success boss!" I looked up at the new voice.
"Its you!" I growled. Its him, the one who killed those kids, who totally fucked up my life!
"Hi there, you remember me? The names Elf" he said with a sadistic smirk growing on his stupid face. I lunged at them, going to stab him through bars, I was filled with so much rage I couldn't think straight. Once my blade made to the gap, a light blueish light shone and I couldn't get through. It's like a barrier or something. He laughed like some kind of maniac. I stepped back away from the bars, afraid he'd be angry, but it seemed he wasn't though. He looked at me for what seemed like an eternity but was really only a couple seconds, then both of them, the man with the scar, and Elf left. I was left alone, with nothing but my thoughts. What did they do to me? I'm some kind of monster.

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