Chapter 7

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~Seitarou and Hajime~

"Sir! The inmates escaped again!! What do we do?!" Seitarou was crying comically all the while Hajime was staring at the monitors angrily.
"What do I have to do to keep those fools in their cell!!" He slammed his hand on the desk startling poor Seitarou.

~your pov~

We were running around, falling into traps, getting through traps, and running a muck. It was fun to be honest, I was smiling and laughing, something I haven't done for a long time. We came up to a big massive door, with an intricate locking mechanism, Jyugo walked up to it trying to act all cool, saying "Leave it me" and cracking his knuckles. I couldn't help the small giggle escape my throat. He's cute, I thought, I've never thought anything like that before, it's weird.

After some button pushing, freaking out and more button pushing, the door opened, the smell of the fresh ocean air was so nice. I felt peaceful, I felt like I might actually like it here, with cell 13 by my side. We stepped outside.
"Who's that there?" I asked, one last trap?
"Its the boss!" Rock yelled running towards the 'boss', I soon realized it was just Hajime, he took down Rock with one good uppercut, he beat Uno at his rock, paper, scissors game by smacking him in his face, he scared poor Nico half to death... he fainted, and Jyugo got the shit beat outta him trying to be cool again. Now it was just him and me.
"Hey, uhhh, no hard feelings?" Hes really strong, the only way I would stand a chance is if I use those, but... those would probably kill him. I dont want to kill anyone, not again. I just raised my hands in surrender, he wouldn't hurt me if I'm not fighting back right? Wrong, he came at me full force and knocked me out quick.
We were thrown back into our cell, but let me say, I had so much fun, in a jail, it really surprised me.
"We made it outside!" Nico celebrated.
"I think we beat a record or something" Jyugo laughed a bit and smiled. He has a nice smile, I thought to myself, blushing slightly, but not enough for anyone to notice.
"That was fun right, (Y/N)?" Uno turned to me, including me in there little celebration.
"It was, I don't remember the last time I had so much fun, thank you" I gave them a small but soft smile. Thank you guys, I can smile again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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