3. Play rehearsal

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I stood outside the auditorium, taking as many deep breaths as I could. I wanted to go in, wanted to prove that I'm actually semi-decent as a singer, and show Christine that I cared about theater as much as she did. I hesitated for a moment, then turned around.

"I guess evolution's not for everyone," I muttered. Eli pat my shoulder. He had followed me to make sure that I actually committed to this.

"You don't have to do this. Of course, I'll mock you forever if you don't." He said, giving me a lopsided grin. I flushed, then tried to pump myself up.

"C-c-c-c'mon, c-c-c-c'mon, go go. C-c-c-c'mon, c-c-c-c'mon, go-!" I cut myself off as I ran into the theater, noticing Christine near instantly. "Yo!" I squeaked. She looked up at me and smiled brightly.

"Yo!" She chirped. My heart felt like it was melting.

"I-Is this where you meet for the play?" I stammered, like an idiot. She shook her head.

"Nope, this is where you meet for the swim team." She said. I managed to choke out a completely surprised "What?!" before dissolving into a rough coughing fit. Christine's expression softened slightly as she scooted over, patting my back.

"I'm kidding!" She said, her words almost immediately stopping my coughing.

"Oh, well, um, I'm Falner!" I blurted out. She looked slightly confused. I tried to speak again but trailed off after almost getting lost in her eyes. She tilted her head, that same confused expression on her face.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Huh?" I replied, blinking hard and shaking my head to clear my focus.

"You seem nervous." I laughed nervously, proving her point.

"No, I always...sweat this much." I regretted the words as soon as they left my lips, but Christine didn't seem too bothered, a small smile gracing her perfect lips.

"I get it. You're a virgin," She said. I turned pale. Was it that obvious?! Before I could speak, she nudged her shoulder into mine. "First play rehearsal!" She sounded so excited, it made my heart soar. I took a long breath, exhaling slowly to calm my nerves.

"You think I'm nervous about play rehearsal?" I asked.

"Well, why else would you be shaking?" She asked, then seemed to notice my trembling body. . "...A lot." She continued. I laughed nervously again, putting one hand behind my head.

"Yeah, I'm totally freaked," I said. She smiled, nudging my shoulder again.

"It's okay. I'm a little jealous actually. You never forget your first...play rehearsal! Coming here is the highlight." She said happily. I tilted my head.

"Of your day?"

"Yeah right," She scoffed. "Of my life! I love play rehearsal, because it's the best! Because it's fun. I love play rehearsal, and I get depressed as soon as it's done." She sounded so happy, but the depressed part made me feel nervous. Almost as if she could read my mind, she quickly continued. "But not depressed as in like 'kill yourself' depressed. No, I'm not into self-harm. Dude, I swear. Here, check my arm!" She held her arm out and rolled up the sleeve of her jean jacket.

Sure enough, there were no cuts or scars, just perfectly smooth, tanned skin. I was silent, but gave her an encouraging nod, wanting her to keep talking. "See, I just used the word to emphasize a point and show the passion that I've got. I'm passionate a lot!" She giggled. "I have mad gigantic feelings, rad and frantic feelings about most everything! Like gun control, like spring," Her expression suddenly changed into a more thoughtful one. "Like if I'm living up to all I'm meant to be..."

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