26. A social media bonfire

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[Rose's POV]

I woke up to the sound of my phone chiming. Letting out a slight groan, I rolled over and grabbed said phone, unlocked it and checked what could possibly be spamming me at seven in the morning.

"Wait...Dallas did what?!" I asked aloud in surprise, clicking on a news article and skimming it. Dallas Dixon had set a fire and almost burned down Jade Smithwell's house. "Holy shit," I murmured. "This...oh my God, everyone needs to see this." I then closed the article, immediately tapping Tempest's contact photo and putting my phone to my ear, tapping impatiently on the backside of the case. The call went straight to voicemail, and I let out a soft groan.

"O-M-G, Temp, answer me!" I yelled into the receiver. "Look, wait until I tell you what I heard!" I stood up, nearly jumped out of bed, and started pacing back and forth. "It's too fucked to type! This shit is ripe! Call back! I'll yell you every word." I said, then hung up, satisfied that I was at least able to send her a voicemail...only to tap the 'call' button again and proceed to attempt another call. After chatting with her and Hope about the situation, I jumped out of bed and got dressed. Red flannel, MCR shirt, ripped jeans, sneakers...I looked good to go. I scampered out of my house and down to the nearest bus stop. Tempest said to meet her at the mall so that we - and by we, she meant Hope, herself, and me. - could spread the word.


As soon as I got off the bus and into the mall courtyard, I heard Hope's voice call my nickname.

"Rosie!" She bounded at me and almost crushed me in a hug.

"Heya, Hope. Is Tempest with you?" I asked, playfully ruffling her hair. She looked behind her, then shook her head.

"Nope. She said to meet her here so that we all could spread the word." She said.

"I heard my name?" Tempest asked, walking out from inside the mall with a group of girls in tow. I raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, yeah. Who are these lovely ladies?" I asked, gesturing to the group.

"This is the cavalry," She replied proudly. "They're going to help us get this out to everyone." She then stepped to the side. "Introduce yourselves!" She said cheerfully. The first girl to step forward had messy brown hair, brown eyes, the most confident posture I had ever seen on a teenager, and wore an outfit in various shades of blue.

"I'm Veronica," She said, giving me a slight smile. I gave her a polite smile back as she walked over to my side, Hope eagerly introducing herself. The next girl to walk up had black hair, electric blue eyes, and was dressed like a punk rocker.

"Name's Thalia. Nice to meetcha, Rose." She said, and I shivered slightly at how cold her voice was, managing to give her a nod. She walked to stand next to Veronica as the next girl walked forward. She had blondish brown hair, blue-green eyes, and was wearing a checkered flannel over a grey shirt and a pair of jeans.

"My name's Zoe." She said softly. I don't know why, but I felt compelled to pull her into a hug. So, I did. Zoe immediately relaxed into my arms, both of us pulling away after a moment.

"Nice to meet you, Zoe," I said softly. She gave me a smile, then stepped over to the side. The last girl walked up with confidence and a little bit of a pep in her step. She had blonde hair, dark brown eyes, and was dressed in yellow from head to toe.

"My name's Heather," She said cheerily. "Nice to meet you!" She gave me a smile, and I pulled her into a hug as well.

"Nice to meet you too, Heather," I said, then looked at Tempest. "So, this is it? This is our social media army?" Tempest nodded proudly.

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