9. 20-something, attractive, and oozing cool.

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I looked up at my SQUIP, completely awestruck. "You look like...Jason Tam." I said slowly.

"My default mode. But I can see you may prefer to take instructions from Eric William Morris, Sal Pavia, or Kiera Connelly." The SQUIP switched between the actors as he said their names, his voice changing to match theirs. My face felt uncomfortably warm. 

At least there wasn't a sexy anime female setting or something...

"No, Jason's fine," I said. "Can everyone see you?" He shook his head.

"I exist only in your mind. All they see is you, having quite the animated conversation with yourself. So don't do that," He practically crooned his words out, making my blush from before deepen considerably. This was going to be hard. "Just think at me. Like you're telepathic." He instructed. I nodded, taking in all of the new information.

"Think at you. Okay. Like in...Carrie. Or X-Men." I reasoned. He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"I can see this is going to be difficult. You want to be more chill." He huffed. I tilted my head in confusion.

"You mean cool?" I asked.

"I do not," His response was instantaneous. "You see, human social activity is governed by rules and I have the processing capacity to understand those rules. And pass them on to you."

A Synonym for Chill [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now