34. Voices in my head

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"Falner, are you okay?" My dad asked. I nodded slightly, my jaw nearly on the floor.

"Actually, Dad, I'm great-!" I got cut off by his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm glad. Because you're grounded. You're going to see some serious changes, young lady, starting..." He trailed off after I started laughing. "What?" He asked, furrowing his brow. I gestured to his outfit: a Deadpool t-shirt, Deadpool hoodie, and - for the first time in literal years - a pair of jeans.

"Dad! You're wearing pants!" I said. He shrugged.

"Don't look so surprised. I'm your father. And I wear the pants around here! Now let's get down to business," he said, sitting down on the chair at my bedside. "Who's this Christine person, and why did I have to hear about her from him?" He asked, jabbing his thumb at Eli, who gave me a shrug and a smile. I shook my head.

"It doesn't matter. After what I did, I'm lucky if she wants to go to the same school as me." I said. Eli and my dad looked at each other like they shared an inside joke. I felt my face heat up slightly. "What?" I asked. Eli looked at me, smiling.

"It's amazing. She still knows nothing about girls." My dad laughed. "You gotta but her a rose and compliment her on her clothes." He said.

"Say you appreciate that she's smart!" Eli added, walking over to Dallas's side. Dallas smiled up at him and received an awkward smile back.

"No, man, you tell her that she exciteth you thexually!" He lisped. I couldn't help but laugh. My dad, Eli, and Dallas then spoke in unison.

"And that's the way you get to her heart! Trust me, I know how it's gonna go. Listen and oh-!" Eli whacked Dallas's chest, almost out of habit, and I couldn't believe the scream that came out of his mouth. Eli looked panicked as Dallas shrank back down onto the bed, whimpering in pain, but clutching his hand. I gave them a smile.

"And there are voices in my ear. I guess these never disappear. I'll let 'em squeal, and I will deal and make up my own mind," I gave them a slight shrug. "Might still have voices in my head, but now they're just the normal kind. Voices in my head, but now they're the normal kind!"

(Timeskip brought to you by...uh...SHIPPING!)

I walked into school, clutching my purple and blue backpack like it was my life. I noticed Christine sitting on the windowsill, looking out at the houses. Before I could even process what was going on, Rose, Hope, Tempest, and Jade had backed me into a corner. "Heyyy guys... About what happened-" I started to say but was cut off by Jade getting into my face.

"We've been looking for you, punk," He said, then backed up a bit and gave me a grin. "To say, good luck asking out Christine!"

"Seriously, how does everyone know about that?!" I asked. Tempest laughed, slinging an arm around me.

"It's crazy, but ever since we all did ecstasy at the school play, I've felt really connected to you guys," She giggled, then gestured to Rose. "You tell her, Rose!" Rose looked surprised, and I couldn't blame her. I've never heard Tempest sound that caring and supportive. Rose took a deep breath, exhaled, then smiled at me.

"Make her feel welcomed and seen!" She chirped, taking my hands in hers. I blushed slightly.

"Don't dump her on Halloween," Tempest commented, giving Jade a not-so-subtle side-eye. Hope squeezed my cheek with her hand.

"Embrace the traits that make you so odd!" She said reassuringly. I flushed, looking at the ground. Jade took my chin in his hands and made me look up at his smiling face.

"I'll throw you a rope, homeslice if you need some dope advice." He said, squeezing my shoulder with his free hand. Hope grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the corner, the entire group giving me a push forward towards where Christine was sitting and speaking in unison.

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