15. A new day dawns

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I opened my eyes to the sound of my alarm clock chiming. "It's morning already?" I asked sleepily, reaching down to grab my phone and silence the alarm. As soon as I pressed my finger to the fingerprint sensor on the back, I hissed due to how bright my screen was. After turning my brightness down and silencing the alarm, I sat up straight and looked around, the events of yesterday playing on a constant repeat in my mind. Did that really just happen? Did I get a supercomputer in my brain that not only looks and sounds like Jason Tam, probably one of the most gorgeous people on the planet but said supercomputer almost got me to hang out with two of the most popular girls in school?

"Hello?" I asked, tapping my forehead with my finger. "Are you on? Hellooo?" Suddenly, I heard my dad call from across the hall.

"Falner? Are you talking to yourself?" He asked. I looked down at my comforter, confused.

"I...guess I am. Huh." I reasoned, then hopped out of bed and strolled over to my computer. I smoothly took a seat in my black desk chair, grabbing my mouse with one hand and the screen of the computer with the other. "C-c-c-c'mon, c-c-c-c'mon, go-!" I cut myself off with a yelp of pain, feeling a shock race down my spine. "Ow!" My Squip materialized next to me, his arms crossed.

"What did we say about masturbation?" He asked. I rubbed the back of my neck, swinging around to face him. My face was probably as red as the Coke can next to me.

"I was just going to...check my school email," I said, half-lying. He raised an eyebrow.

"You can't lie to me, Falner. I'm inside your brain," He said, tapping the center of my forehead with his finger as a reminder. "Now, we're going to devise a system: I tally every time you think about sex, and that's how many push-ups you do. If this morning is an indicative sample, you'll look great in no time." He said. He then glanced at my glasses, frowned slightly, and waved his hand. My vision went black for a moment, much to my vocal surprise, and after a couple of seconds, I could see again. He reached forward and took off my glasses, and I blinked in surprise.

"Woah...I-I can...I can see!" I said in awe, looking down at my hands. No longer was anything blurry. Everything was crystal clear. "How did you do that?!" I asked, looking up at my Squip with teary eyes and a smile on my face. He smiled back and gently kissed my forehead. 

"I have access to your optic nerves. I fixed your vision. You won't need these anymore." He said, setting my glasses down. I jumped at him and crushed him in a hug, whispering "thank you" over and over. He let out a light laugh and pushed me off of him, wiping my happy tears with his fingers. "You're welcome. Now, shall we start the day?" He asked. I nodded excitedly, standing up and hurrying to the bathroom, giving myself a look in the mirror. 

I looked about the same as ever, aside from the blush that never seemed to leave my cheeks. I knew exactly why, too: even though he probably didn't mean it, my Squip was...well, blush-inducing. The way he said things, the way he seemed to always find a way to be physical with me...I could go on, but I'd take up an entire chapter.

"Coming through, private." My dad called, breezing in, grabbing his toothbrush, and walking back out.

"That's the source of your genetic material?" My Squip asked. I nodded slightly, feeling a tinge of pride in my voice.

"That's my dad, yeah," I said. He looked at me, then back to the direction my dad had walked.

"We should double those push-ups." He murmured. I rolled my eyes slightly, brushing my teeth and washing my face with almost supersonic speed, walking out of my house completely ready for school in a matter of minutes. As the bus pulled up right on time, I hopped on and moved to my usual spot. I looked behind me at the popular kids and was surprised to see Hope give me a happy wave. I smiled and waved back at her, turning my attention back to the front of the bus.

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