10. How to be more chill: for Dummies

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My Squip grabbed my hands in his. "C-C-C-C-C-C'mon, Falner, can't you see?" Yep, he was singing, and my heart had been reduced to a puddle. I could only stare into his intense, almost icy neon blue eyes, practically hypnotized. He let go of my hands and placed his own on the sides of my head. "Your operating system is outdated!" He gave me a grin and my head suddenly felt fuzzy and warm. I had no idea what he was doing to me, but I didn't dare resist. 

"C'mon, boo, you know that you make everyone around you nauseated." He continued to sing, bumping our hips together. I blinked slowly in an attempt to clear both my vision and my head. 

Did he just call me boo? 

Do I really make everyone around me sick to their stomachs? 

Eli seems to like me, though. 


E l i ... 

My mind latched onto the thought of him, and I saw something change in my Squip's expression. It was almost like...jealousy? 

"Hey, I've arrived now, 'nd this is not a drill. Bae, I've arrived, wow!" He moved his hands down to my cheeks and gave them a squeeze. "Won't be long until you wi-i-i-i-i-i-ill..." He paused, closed his eyes, then opened them and gave me a grin. "Be more chill~" He finished. My jaw was nearly on the floor. 

This motherfucker actually called me bae. 

In 2019. 

We live in a society.

"Wow..." I whispered, in awe of the whole display. Despite the outdated lingo, I was quite flattered, even though I knew the real meaning of the word "bae." He then waved his hand, and I suddenly snapped to attention. 

"Take your hands out of your pockets," He instructed. "Arch your back, puff out your chest." I did as I was told, letting out a groan of pain as I heard all of the joints and bones in my back pop. I wanted to say something but chose to hold my tongue. I didn't want to start arguing with something that no one else could see, lest I look insane. "Add some swagger to your gate, or you'll look like a masturbator, fix your posture, then the rest." He looked me over again, making me flush in embarrassment.

"But, um...I kinda...am a masturbator." I said softly. He let out a light laugh.

"We'll fix that," He said smoothly. "Now, all your nerdiness is ugly-" I cut him off with a slight glare.

"Nerd?! I thought I was more of a geek, but-!" He proceeded to cut me off, almost literally with a wave of his hand.

"All your stammering's a chore." His voice was suddenly colder and even a little commanding, making me prove his point and attempt to stammer out a reply. He sighed, shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his nose. "Your tics and fidgets are persistent, and your charm? Nonexistent. I'll fix your vibe, then fix some more." I tried to protest but ended up being cut off every single time I tried to speak, ending in me letting out an exasperated groan. "Woah, everything about you is so terrible," My Squip said, giving me an almost pitying look. 

"Terrible?" I questioned, sounding a little more hurt than I intended. He nodded slightly and caressed my cheek. 

"Terrible." He repeated. I bit my lip, fidgeting slightly. 


"Woah, everything about you makes me wanna die." He sang. I tried my best to look indifferent or annoyed, but couldn't hide the pain behind my eyes.

"Jesus Christ," I muttered in response.

"So, don't freak out," He leaned in close, his fingers brushing against my jawline and making me tilt my chin up. "And don't resist." He practically purred the words out, my face flushing as red as a strawberry. Why was he so attractive? Especially that voice? He gave me a knowing smirk, placing two fingers against my forehead and pushing me backward and away from him. "And have no doubt: if I assist, you will be more chill." He said firmly. I gave him a confused look, slowly returning to my more slouchy posture due to it being more comfortable, but I suddenly straightened as I felt an electric shock race down my spine.

"Ow!" I yelped. "Did you just...shock me?!" He shrugged, looking and sounding indifferent.

"Spinal stimulation. You were slouching," He said, then pointed to a Hollister store a few stores down. "First things first: go buy a new shirt." I walked to the store, gagging as the strong smell of cologne wafted up my nose.

"Wait, what's wrong with my-!" I was about to ask what exactly was wrong with my black Iron Maiden shirt, but was silenced almost immediately after my Squip placed his finger to my lips and shushed me.

"Shh. It's better if you just comply," He said softly. I flushed, walking into the store and looking around at all of the actually fashionable clothes, suddenly feeling a little more insecure. "My job's to color your aesthetic, make you seem much less pathetic. Just step and fetch, don't ask me why." He said as I stopped in front of a rack of various t-shirts. As I started to look through, he pointed to a black one at the end of the rack. "Pick that one." He commanded. I did as I was told, pulling the shirt out and giving it a long look. Eminem. I looked at my Squip with confusion.

"It has a picture of Eminem on it," I said like an idiot. 

"If you're so astute, what do you need me for?" He commented. I knew he was teasing me, especially when he couldn't keep that damn smile off his face.

"Tch, do people even listen to Eminem?" I scoffed.

"Irrelevant," He said almost soothingly. "My quantum structure enables me to envision possible futures. I envision a future in which you wear an Eminem shirt and things turn out well." I felt an odd, comforting feeling in my chest. Things turning out well...that would be amazing. I draped the shirt over my right arm, brushing my hair out of my face with my left.

"What if someone quizzes me about his music?" I asked. My Squip chuckled lightly.

"My database is infinite and instantaneous." He replied. My eyes brightened.

"How are you with math homework?" I asked, but realized that it was a stupid question. I didn't have any math courses this year due to already having the required amount of math credits to graduate. He gave me an incredulous look.

"I'm a supercomputer, sweetheart. I'm made of math," He said, patting my cheek. I blushed faintly and gave him an awkward smile. "Woah, everything about you is so terrible." Suddenly, a group of guys that had just walked into the store walked to surround me.

"Everything about you sucks, everything about you sucks." They chanted. I backed up, falling backward and flat onto my ass. I stared up at the group, where my Squip was standing in the center.

"Woah, everything about you makes me wanna die." He pulled me up and made me face the group that had proceeded to circle me again. They all spoke in eerie unison.

"All the people in the mall-" The guys stopped while my Squip continued. "-think you are such a slob." I flushed in embarrassment as the group of guys spoke again.

"You're a slob, terrible, such a slob." One of them gave me a rough shove, making me fall into my Squips arms.

"Oh, and boy can I see why." He said, looking down at me with an annoyingly cocky smirk. I gritted my teeth but stayed silent. The group from before dissipated into different stores, I proceeded to buy the Eminem shirt, then let my Squip lead me into an American Eagle. "Now you. Try picking a shirt." He gestured to the shirt rack I was standing in front of. Still flushed as red as a strawberry, I skimmed through the shirts for a moment before grabbing one. It was a short-sleeved black T-shirt with neon blue stripes. My Squip raised an eyebrow. "Falner, that's a boy's shirt." He commented.

"Fully aware. I like the colors, it's in my size, and you told me to pick something." I said simply. He looked from the shirt to me for a few moments before signing.

"I can't deny that it would look good on you." He said, and I detected a hint of admiration in his voice. That made my heart feel happier than it has in weeks, aside from whenever I was with Eli. After buying the shirt, I walked over to a Cinnabon kiosk and bought myself a pack of Minibons. I felt like I earned them.

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