Backwards day at Grimshade

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Heheh enjoy

Mitch walked into the guild hall and could just tell something was up once he entered. Pat did not greet him when he walked to the bar where everyone was. “Hello Mitch” Michael greeted were he sat on the bar. “Is it backwards day?” Mitch asked looking up at his guild master. “Yep it’s backwards day meaning you have to be nice and Colin has to be mean and rude” Michael told him. Mitch felt like like a ton of rocks had been dropped on him. 

Colin and Seekah walked in right after he said that. Mitch sighed and walked over the boxes and sat down. “Hello Colin and Seekah” Mitch greeted trying not to grit his teeth at it. “Oh is it backwards day?” Seekah asked when he heard Mitch greet them niceish. Michael nodded and Colin looked at them confused “What?” He asked not really sure. “Backwards day the only three who can’t really do it are Lily Michael and Bren” Seekah explained. “No Seekah I think Mitch should explain” Michael told them. All eyes turned to the poison dragon slayer who held back another sigh. “Backwards day where I have to be nice you have to be mean and also if you explain something say it the wrong way” Mitch told them. “Mitch you are forgetting something” Michael reminded in a mother like tone. “Michael is not allowed to take part Bren can’t drink and Lily still has to do you job” Mitch finished. 

Michael smiled and tossed him an acid sucker. “Here have a treat” he told him. “Thank you” Mitch told him before unwarping it and popping it in his mouth. Colin slowly nodded before walking over to a table and sitting down. “So does that mean I have to take more missions?” Colin asked Michael who nodded. “Don’t forget you have to be rude and mean” Michael called before he walked into his office and shut the door. 

“Well whatever see you loser later I am taking a mission” Colin told them trying to sound rude. Mitch rolled his eyes at that and looked around trying to think what he could do. Bren walked in when he right as Colin said that. “Backwards day?” he guessed sounding not to happy about it. “Yep that means I have to be nice today” Mitch told him with fake joy. 

Bren gave a small laugh “So we get to see a nice Mitch today?” he asked. Mitch nodded and went back to enjoying the candy. Pat looked over from his tea “Yeah I don’t get the point but Mitch want to a mission with me?” he asked. “Sure it would be fun” Mitch told him holding back on the last part. Pat nodded and got up from his chair and walked over finding a mission. 

Mitch walked over to see what Pat had picked up. “What did you pick Trigger finger?” Mitch asked walking over. “We got to go take out some monster” Pat told him. Mitch nodded “sounds fun ready to go?” he asked. Pat nodded and they walked out and headed off to the town to stop the monsters. 

*once they fought of all the monsters* 

Pat and Mitch were walking back to the person who sent the mission when they heard the sound of crying. “Let’s go see who it is” Mitch told Pat who nodded and they followed after the sound of crying. The sound of cry got louder as they got closer to the noise. They walked down an alleyway and found Bryan crying while sitting on the ground. Mitch rushed over to him and pulled him into a hug. 

Pat followed after Mitch but did not get to close at frist. “Shh its ok breath its ok” Mitch whispered to Bryan who slowly began to calm down. “What's wrong?” Mitch asked still holding him close. “They took Jakey and I-I-I couldn't st-t-top them” Bryan sobbed. Mitch looked back at Pat with a brother look on his face. “Shh its ok Bryan we will find him” Mitch told him pulling him closer to him. Bryan slowly stopped crying and looked up at Mitch.

Pat walked closer now that he knew he would not scare the young dragon slayer. He sat down next to them facing Mitch and Bryan. “How do we plan to find him?” Pat asked the two dragon slayers. “We smell them out” Mitch told him “Most dragon slayers take in the smell of their family or anyone close to them” Mitch explained while Brayn nodded. “Ok then so are you going to smell him out?” Pat asked trying not to rush them. 

Brayn stood up and sniffed around trying to find the scent of Jakey. “I found it” he cheered they got up and followed after him. They soon found the people who took Jakey. They looked over and saw the trio standing there. “Bryan you get Jakey and we will handle the guys” Mitch told Bryan who nodded and rushed to Jakeys side. Mitch and Pat took the guys out very quickly. Bryan freed Jakey form the ropes that he was stuck in. 

Brayn and Jakey walked over to them once all the guys were knocked out. “Thank you Mitch” they told him and hugged him. Mitch patted both their heads “You two better get back to your guild hall before anything else happens but we are walking you there so let us finish are mission then we will walk you home” Mitch told them. 

Jakey and Bryan nodded and followed after Mitch and Pat was they walked to the person. They met up at the bakery the smell of fresh cookies in the air. Jakey and Bryan walked to the window and looked at the cookies. “You can each get one cookie and one for Kay” Mitch told them. They nodded and ran into the shop to look “I will go with them” Mitch told Pat who nodded.  

*After they dropped them off at the guild hall* 

Mitch and Pat walked into the guild hall and saw Michael. They walked over to him “we finished the mission” Pat told him holding the paper up. Michael nodded “good I will make sure you get your own money” Michael told them. “Also Mitch helped Bryan from the protectors find Jakey” Pat added. 

Michael smiled at them when he heard that Mitch had been nice. “Here you both get a treat” he gave both a sucker. Pat got a grape flavored one and  Mitch got another acid one. “Thank you” They told him in unison and went to sit down and enjoy their suckers. Colin and Seekah walked in not to long after and gave the report about their missions. They both got suckers to and sat down to enjoy them and talk. 

Mitch sat next to Michael on the counter while the others sat at the tables. Bren walked in after doing a mission he sat next to Colin, Seekah, and Lily. “So today was backwards day anyone want to share a story that happened?” Michael asked once they all gather around. Seekah raised his hand and Michael nodded and all eyes turned to them. “Today when we to the housing place to get out things for the mission Colin was walking out and while shutting his door almost ran into a wall. So I asked what happened and he told he that he was closing the wall and almost ran into the door” Seekah told them the last part brought a smile on his lips. Colion looked down rubbing his neck while Lily gave a small giggle. Bren and Seekah both gave small laughs. Mitch, Pat and Michael all gave small chuckles hearing the funny story. 

Pat raised his hand up and looked at Mitch with a twinkle in his eyes. “Yes Trigger Finger?” Michael asked seeing his hand. “Mitch was nice and helped Bryan get Jakey back after calming him down. Then once we got Jakey back we were outside the bakery and he bought them cookies for Both of them plus for a friend of theirs” Pat told them. Mitch looked away while there was a bunch of aw’s coming from the others. 

He glared at Pat for a moment then looked away “so you do have a soft side?” Bren asked. Mitch gave a sigh and nodded “He was crying like a newborn hatchling and it was just something that kicked in for me to help him” Mitch huffed at them.  


I feel like the Dragon slayers could be brother's I am just saying it would be cute

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