brotherly love

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So this is requested by Welsh from Michael and Devins new video. I hope yall enjoy it.


Michael opened his door and walked in. He placed down the box of donuts. With a sigh he walked back up the stairs. His body ached from the fight with every step he took. Grabbing a chair he placed it beside his bed. Eden lay passed out on the bed sleeping. He slowly sat down in the car. He sighed once he was seated and leaned back to wait. He could feel sleep draggin at him and he gave in falling asleep. 

*Time skip to when Devin woke up* 

Devin gave a small scream, and his eyes shot open. The world above him was blurry. He sat up and looked around the room, panting slightly from jumping awake. He could see the shape of someone next to him along with a soft snoring sound. He looked over and saw Michael sleeping. “Michael” he shouted seeing his friend fast asleep. Michael jumped awake and looked at Devin. “Eden good to see your up” Michael greeted and got out of her chair. 

Devin slide off the bed side and walked to the open window. “Michael where am I?” He asked looking out over the water. “Your home in a way” Micahel told him “Welcome home.” Devin looked back at him. “I am really even back?” Devin asked him softly. Michael stood there not sure what to say for a moment. “Were you able to see what happened?” Michael asked trying to change the topic. 

Devin looked back at Michael. “He would tell me when he would hurt people or if he used his full power I could see flashes of it” Devin told. Michael nodded slowly they stood in silence they both let it sink in. “How about we get some tea and some food I have a feeling it might help and there is some stuff I need to tell you” Michael told him. 

Deivn nodded and Michael lead the way down stairs. “I made the tea a while ago so it might have gone cold” Michael warned when the reached the bottom stair. “I would not be surprised” Deivn replied as Michael sat down next to the tea. Devin looked over and saw an open box of donuts. “Oo donuts” He said and looked into the box of the flavors. 

Michael nodded and smiled as Devin sat down and passed him a cup of tea. “I have a few things I need to tell you Eden” Michael told him. “Michael can you do me a favor?” Devin asked softly and looked at Michael. “Hm?” Michael humd wondering what it was. “Can you not call me Eden and just call me Devin?” Devin lifted his tea up and took a sip. “Of course Devin” Michael told him and Devin nodded. “So I do have to a few things to tell you” Michael told him once more. Devin looked at him and waiting for what he was going to say. 

Michael took and deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment before opening them once more. “When I used Shadow claw it split you in half in a way. So there are now of two of you but if you don’t get back with you othe-’’ Devin cut him off “Can I take a guess? If I don’t get back with my other half then I will fade away to nothing?” Devin asked him sounding down. Michael sat there for a second shocked that Devin would think that. “No your wrong on that part but you will being missing apart of your self but you will still be alive” Michael told him. Devin nodded slowly and let it sink in. “I think I need some thing to eat to help that sink in” Devin told him. 

Michael nodded and Devin got up and went over and picked up the box of donuts. He sat them down on the table next to him when he sat down. “I have other  thing to tell you” Michael told him. “Is it another bomb shell you are going to drop on me?” Devin asked. Michael laughed when Devin said that. “I guess but Almos is back” Michael told him, 

Devin sat there shocked for a moment. “He is really back then?” Devin asked picking up a donut and chomping down. Micheal nodded slowly a small smile on his lips. He finished his donut and picked up his tea taking a sip. They fell into a nice silence once more. 

Devin being Devin got up and looked in the cabinets. He gasped in surprise when he saw all the donuts. "You must have been planning for a big party or known I was coming over" Devin told him checking the other cabinets. Michael laughed and nodded remembering all the donuts. "The baker's wife was concerned" Michael told him laughing. 

Devin looked back at him and laughed. "Yeah you look really messed up" Devin told him. "Yeah I guess you have a point" Michael told him. "You are angst Michael and I have 7 years of angst I need to get out" Devin told him and started laughing. Michael joined and they just sat there laughing. 

They slowly began to breath once more. "Well I am going to go get Allmose and you will want to stay here" Michael said once he got his breath back. Devin nodded still trying to catch his breath. They walked to the door and Devin pulled Michael into a quick hug. "Thats to make up for what I did" Devin muttered. Michael nodded and walked out the door and headed to the guild. 


Sorry it is the the best but I do have some more in the works and hopefully it will come out great. Have a great day and know your a great person and people can't tell you an other way.

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