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So here I give you Inmo and Brandon ship I am sorry I forgot who asked for this but I hope you guys enjoy there is a nice twist at the end and the tittle for them came form my friend soul so thanks.

Inmo walked to the mission board. He was having a rough day. He had been growing feelings for a certain someone in his guild. He sighed as he felt his face flush at the idea. He knew it was really stupid to think the person could love him back. He was just one of the many people in the guild. 

Inmo looked at the B rank board. Looking over the mission he picked one up. "Help out a local town on clearing out monsters" he read aloud. 'eh seems like it won't be that hard' he thought before writing his name on another piece of paper and pinning it in place. "I hope no one else wanted this because I got it" Inmo muttered as he walked out. Unknown to the poor bean this mission was more than it seemed. 

         *when he gets there* 

Inmo walked up to the town entrance. There was a man waiting there looking around. As Inmo got closer he could see the man shaking yet it was not cold. Inmo walked up to the man slowly trying not to scare him. "Hello Sir I am here about the job" Inmo told him. The man looked over and saw that Inmo was holding the paper about the mission. "Thank goodness they sent someone" the man cried out then looked around in fear. 

Inmo just stared at the guy not sure what to say. "Its gotten a lot worse and the monsters are a lot braver to" the man explained. Inmo nodded not sure how to feel about what he learned. "Everyone is hiding I am the only one brave enough to come out and wait" the man told him before glancing around. "Sir, why don't you go inside and I will handle the monsters?” Inmo told him. The man nodded and looked around before running off and inside a house. 

Inmo walked around the town killing off the monster that would show up. It seemed ever conor her turned there were monster. He could feel his mana being drained the more and more he used his magic to kill the monster. “This is a lot harder than it said it was supposed to be Boss would be better for this job” Inmo muttered as he took out another monster. Unknown to Inmo a large monster was walking up behind him. Inmo turned around and found himself face to face with the monster. 

Inmo looked up finding himself facing a giant monster. Inmo took a step back, he could feel the mana drain taking hold. 'I can't stop till this monster is out' Inmo thought. He was about to attack the monster when it took a swipe at him. The monsters claws sliced over his chest. A flood of pain washed over him. He stumbled back gasping for breath. He could not do much more before the monster came at him again. The monster slammed into him knocking him into a wall. His head slammed into the wall so hard it knocked him out cold. The monster sniffed at Inmo before picking him up and walking to a cave. 

*Back at the guild with the others* 

Brandon sighed and walk up the B class board. He glanced over it trying to find the mission that needed to be moved. His Dark blue eyes scanned over the board a few times not spotting the mission. ‘Maybe Ritchie moved the mission already’ Brandon thought before heading off to go find his twin. Brandon walked into his office and saw Ritchie working on paperwork. He stood there in the doorway for a moment. He cleared his throat and Ritchie looked up at Brandon. “Yes brother? Ritchie asked him when he saw Brandon standing in the doorway. “I came to ask if you moved the mission about the monster? It was a B class but it needs to be moved to S class because its gotten worse.” Brandon told him. 

Ritchie nodded and seemed to sit there for a moment trying to think if he knew about this. “I don't remember moving the mission it should still be there” Ritchie told him after thinking it over. Brandon nodded “Thank you brother wanted to make sure” Brandon told him. “Your welcome if you need anything else I am here” Ritchie told him after Brandon walked away shutting the door after him. Brandon walked back to the mission board and looked it over again. 

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