First Day

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After her dad came up the stairs she just wanted to run away and not see anyone again. Slap, after slap, after slap and bruise, after bruise, after bruise and mark, after mark, after mark. Someone is going to find out about this eventually.

She got dressed, now with her dad back downstairs, still holding the same beer bottle he had last night, into her new uniform. She was only 15, coming up to the half term before six week holidays. Dianne couldn't wait to make real friends, although they could be like the last group that she had. Hopefully, there is a dance class or a dance club that she could join so she has less time to see her dad and to get the chance to dance for someone.

Dianne had around 10 minutes until her bus was here, so she skipped breakfast and grabbed her things. She heard a faint screaming of "Dianne" when she left, so she ran out of the door, as fast as she could. When she got got to the bus stop, she saw two other people from her new school. It was one boy with dirty blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Next to him, was a girl about a year older than him and had short brown to blonde ombré hair and the same eyes as the boy next to her. They looked like twins. The only things different were the hair colour and the gender. Whilst she was daydreaming, she didn't realise the girl creeping up towards her. "Hello" the girl said.
"Hi?" She said suspiciously.
"What's your name?" She asked.
"Dianne" Dianne clearly stated.
"Hi Dianne. Nice to meet you. My names Zoe and this is my brother Joe. I'm guessing you are new to the school then." She seemed very nice and chill towards everyone.
"Um, yeah." She basically whispered.
"So, where did you come from? What school?" Zoe questioned.
"I came from Australia. My school was pretty bad compared to any other school. It was probably the worst school in Australia. I'm gonna be honest!" They both laughed in sync. Joe looked really weirded out. He knew now that Zoe would make friends with Dianne and it's going to be another girl for him to avoid.

It felt really nice for Dianne to feel like now she has got someone to go to when things are going bad. All she doesn't want to do is tell her what exactly is going on at home. She needs to know her a bit better first and then she'll see if she trusts her enough to share her feelings with her.

About 5 minutes later, our bus came pulling up to our bus stop. The bus doors opened and she saw a swarm of kids from her new school filling it up to the brim. 'God, there's so many kids here.' She thought to herself. The next chapter of her life starts now.


Walking into the office, she had to tell them who she was, so she could get a timetable. She had 15 minutes until the start of tutor time. They just told her to wait in the office, until tutor time starts.


Now received her timetable, she was exploring the corridors, trying to find her classroom. 2 minutes later, she found it and walked in, after knocking of course. Her teacher, Miss Barrington, came to the door and introduced her to the class. "Oh hello." She said politely. "You must be Dianne?" Dianne nodded slowly. "Ok. If you wouldn't mind. Can you go and sit next to Joe for me?" Miss Barrington added. Dianne adjusted her bag once more and walked to the back of the classroom, to sit next to Joe. "Yo." Joe said. "Hi, I'm guessing you are Joe then? I saw you and your sister at the bus stop this morning." Dianne said, trying to start a conversation. "Yeah, you and my sister really did have a click didn't you?" Joe said. "What class is your sister in? I'm only asking because I have no other friends here except her, so I just wanted to sit next to her in lunch." Dianne stated. "Joe!" Miss Barrington shouted. "Can you be Dianne's guide for this week please and take her to all her lessons." "Yeah Miss," Joe replied. "Anyway, where we we? Oh yeah. Zoe. She's in Mr Poler's tutor group. If you want you can sit with me and my mates at lunch." "I would love to. Thank you. Who are your mates?" Dianne asked. "Well, there is Josh, the ginger prick over there, Conor, the singer, Jack, Conor's brother, he has no significance in life except being in Conor's shadow all the time, Mikey, the dumbass, he doesn't even know how to spell cat, Caspar, the girl freak, he just obsesses over girls and Alfie, the actual nice one out of everyone. Yeah that's basically it. I never used to have any friends but now I have loads and they all are pretty good." Joe said, whilst pointing to them when he said their names. The bell went as they were still in the middle of the conversation, so they grabbed their bags and were allowed to leave tutor early to take take Dianne to her next lesson. They chatted the whole way to maths and found out a lot about each other. Maybe they could be good friends? But, friends can betray you so much sometimes. Like Dianne's last set of friends, in Australia. She told them everything and they stabbed her in the back.

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