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"Miss. Can I go to the nurses office? I feel sick and I've got a headache."

"Yes. But I need to come with you."


They walked downstairs and went into the nurses office. Joe saw a familiar face and realised it is Dianne.

"Hiya miss. Joe feels sick and he's got a headache is it possible if he could stay here?"

"Yeah that's fine."

He sat down, next to Dianne and started to make a conversation with her.

"Hi Dianne. What brings you to this awful place then."

She looked at Joe and she had mascara all down her face.

"Are you alright? What happened?"

"Ch- Chloe and a-Amy will tell you at l-l-lunch."

She said that sentence in between sniffles. She really didn't want to tell Joe but she is going to have to.

It was now lunchtime and Chloe and Amy have just called Joe over.

"Where's Dianne?"

"She was in medical with me but I think they made her stay in there. So, what has happened with her? I'm really worried."

"Well, we were in dance and miss went outside to speak to her but then she started crying because miss said something that was really sensitive towards her."

"Wait a minute. What did miss say?"

"Are you sure you want to know Joe?"

"Yes. Positive."

"So she obviously moved to England from Australia but just before she moved her mum died and her dad was really manipulating towards her mum so she thinks that she committed suicide and that she is the only person in life that loved her apparently."

"Are you serious? Why didn't she tell me?"

"Because she was scared Joe. She didn't want to tell anyone."

"Then why did she tell you?"

"We kinda forced her into saying what's wrong. We were talking about dance and then she said she had to quit because her mum died and her dad didn't pay for it."

"Oh my god. So was she just crying? Or did she walk out of dance or something?"

"Miss called us out and then she had a massive panic attack so we went outside to calm down then she passed out."

"Oh crap."

Joe walked back to the medical office and looked through the door to check on Dianne, without startling her. But right when he could see her, talking to miss, someone tapped him on his shoulder.

(J-Joe Ja-Jack Jh- Josh Ca- Caspar Co- Conor A- Alfie M- Mikey.)

Jh~ What you doing mate?

M~ Looking at his girlfriend.

J- Shut up Mikey. She's not my girlfriend. She's just a friend.

Ca~ Yeah she is. You two have a real good chemistry.

A~ Guys stop it. He doesn't have a girlfriend and he's already said that he is just friends with her.

Ja- Alfie you ain't part of this. So shut up.

A~ No I won't. I'm trying to defend him because you lot are being such cu-

Co~ SHUT UP ALFIE. You can't speak. You have a girlfriend. Unlike Joe.

J~ Do you know what. You lot can fuck off.

Joe looked away from them and turned round. He walked back down the whole corridor and sat with Amy and Chloe. He put his head in his hands but quickly looked up.

"What's up Joe?"

Chloe and Amy both looked confused, as they didn't know what was going on with Joe.

"Oh. It's just the boys. They keep teasing me that Dianne is my girlfriend."

"Well that's just boys for you Joe. Just stay away from them if they are making you feel upset."

It was the end of the day and Dianne was still in medical. Everyone was rushing out the doors to go home, but all Joe wanted to do was to see if Dianne was alright. He walked up to the doors of the medical room and realised Dianne wasn't in there. She must of gone home. A frown slowly appeared onto Joe's face. He had to walk home alone without Dianne.

Hi everyone. I'm really sorry this is short it's only because I've left it for so long I have forgotten all my ideas that I have. Next chapter will most likely be a time skip for about a few months in the future. Thanks for reading xx

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