It's not a mistake.

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Trigger Warning! I'll tell you when!

Joe waited near the door, nervous for what was about to happen. He thought that Dianne wouldn't turn up, until, he heard the doorbell go. He walked to the door, taking a big breath and walked to the door. He opened it slowly and saw Dianne looking tired.

"Hiya, you alright?" 

"Yeah, I'm just tired. Got a banging headache from last night. What about you." 

"Yeah, I got a headache too. But it's not too bad though." 

"Well lucky you." 

They both laughed at Dianne's sarcastic comment. 

"Wanna come in then." 

"Yeah. I really need to sit down." 

Dianne walked in and went to the sofa. She sat down and rubbed her eyes. 

"Do you want a drink? Anything to eat?" 

"Can I have just a glass of water please? Anything else would make my hangover worse." 

"Sure thing." 

Joe grabbed a glass and filled it up with cold water. He made himself one after he gave Dianne one. He walked to the sofa and placed his drink down on the brown coffee table. 

"So I asked you to come over for a little chat about last night."

"Okay. That's fine." 

"So obviously you know what happened last night. I just wanted to apologise for it. I was drunk and so were you. It was a drunken mistake and it won't happen again." 

"A drunken mistake. But not a sober one." 

She moved forward and placed her lips on Joe's. Joe kissed back. Butterflies erupted in both their stomachs. She pulled away slowly, making the kiss last. She smiled and laughed. 

"Thank god that one didn't get filmed. It wasn't a mistake." 

Joe laughed. 

"Right, I better get going. My dad's going to wonder where I am." 

"Wait, Di. Can I speak to you. About something different?" 

Dianne sat back down and had a confused look on her face. 

"Um, so it's about your parents." 

Dianne's eyes starting tearing up. 

"So, you know your first couple of days?"


"The day you had that panic attack and passed out, Chloe and Amy told me about your mum. So I just wanted to tell you that you can tell me how you are feeling truthfully, you can trust me." 

Dianne had tears streaming down her face. Joe grabbed her hands and rubbed his thumb around the top of her hands. He pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head. 

"I'm sorry Joe. I'm sorry for being such a crybaby."

"Ey, Di, you're not being a crybaby, you've gone through a lot in life." 

"No there's something else." 

"What is it Dot?" 

Trigger Warning!

Dianne sat up and took a deep breath. 

"It's my dad. He abused me and my mum. Now my mum's dead, he abuses me. He punches, kicks and screams at me. He's an alcoholic, he doesn't care about me, but he cares about my brothers. My brothers cook, I do everything else. If I don't do something my dad wants me to, then he hurts me. Physically and Mentally. I don't know what to do Joe. I can't tell anyone but you. Please don't tell anyone else, he will literally kill me."

Trigger end! 

"How about, I ask my mum if I can stay round yours on the weekend, next week?" 

"I know for a fact,my dad won't let me." 

"You can stay round mine, next week?" 

"Sure. There's no point in me asking. He doesn't care if I go missing anyway." 

"Right then, we will sort that out. We also need to get rid of these."

Joe wiped away Dianne's tears and gave her a kiss. 



"What are we?" 

"What do you mean?"

"Are we together?" 

"Do you want to be. To be honest I wouldn't mind. You're amazing in every way possible."

"Will you be my boyfriend Joseph Sugg?" 

"Yes I will Miss Dianne Buswell." 

They sealed the conversation off with a kiss. Dianne got up and went to the door, she waved goodbye and shut the door.

Joe went upstairs and layed on his bed. He smiled as he stared into his blank wall. Smiling as he realised what his best friend had become to him.  

Sorry about the mistake earlier! This is what was suppose to go up! Thanks for waiting and reading! <3 

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