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"The day you were born, was one of the happiest day of my life and of course our parents thought that too. The whole kingdom of angels celebrated the birth of their baby princess-"

"Kingdom of angels?", asked Sohee, her eyes widening at his remark. "Baby princess? Me?"

Yoongi nodded, standing up and taking her hand. He led her out of the room and headed towards her old bedroom. The older male opened the large crystal doors and entered, followed by his younger sister. "That's correct. You are the princess of this world, which means you're also an angel, which also means-"

"I'm in heaven," she finished his sentence, tears finding their way out of her eyes, causing her vision to blur. "This was my room?"

Her brother nodded again. "It is still yours. I never let anyone enter this room and nor did I change anything in here, just like you left it."

Sohee bit her lip and wandered around, studying every corner of her room to recall anything. It was then she stopped abruptly, frozen in front of a large painting hung next to her wall of mirrors. She walked closer and wrinkled her eyebrows, her own self staring back at her from the painting. She wasn't standing there alone. There was her brother and two other people standing next to her, smiling brightly. When realization hit her, she took a step back.

"Mom...and dad." It was a statement than a question, in which Sohee knew her memories were slowly returning. "I know that they aren't here anymore, but how?" she whispered, more to herself.

Despite the whisper, Yoongi heard her loud and clear. He stood next to her and stared at his mother and father. "As terrifying as it sounds, Angels never die, but they disappear instead. It's the only down side of being one. As soon as an angel disappear, there would be nothing left. No body, no dust, just plain air. Our parents received the same fate."

"And Hoseok did it, didn't he?" Sohee gulped, hoping Yoongi would deny.

For her disappointment, the angel nodded.

Sohee's knuckles turned white from clenching her fists too hard and her face was red with supressed rage. Swallowing the boiling anger hard, she stayed silent, motioning her brother to continue.

"Hundreds of years after their death, Hoseok married his fifth wife. But after that hell broke loose and the devil declared war against us angels. He was too young and out of control to even rule his world. Greed blinded him and he wanted my crown as well. As soon as he ambushed us, I tried everything I could to stop him but..."

He gulped before continuing, "I warned you to stay away. To lock yourself in this very room. Regardless of my order, you came to fight. To help me but it all backfired when you somehow managed to come in between me and Hoseok. Right when I was about to break a part of his soul away, as a punishment, I accidentally placed that very piece in yours." he whispered the last sentence and looked away, not having the heart to meet her eyes.

Yoongi waited. He waited for Sohee. To speak, to cry or to throw a fit. But none of those happened as she stood, numb to any feelings she was supposed to feel at the moment. Her eyes didn't water and her face didn't turn red from any anger. She just stood there, as if she was lifeless once again.

"Consequences for my actions were shown quickly. You started to turn pale and cough out blood. You were having a slow but a painful death. I couldn't bear to watch you die after watching our parents die in front of my eyes. I noticed how Hoseok felt the same pain you were feeling and realised, the more your own soul was mixed with his, the more pain it will bring you. Once I put a devil's soul in someone else's I cannot take it back, no matter how much I wanted it. The only way you were able to live is to give up on your own soul."

Sohee gritted her teeth, "I let myself do that? I'd rather die than own a devil's soul." she spat.

"Those were exactly your words but I didn't want to lose you, Sohee. So I took away your soul. The moment I did that, you no longer belonged to this world. The only safe place was earth and you were 'reborn' there after I erased your memories." Yoongi ran his hand through his soft blond hair, feeling more guilty after telling his sister everything. "But Hoseok wanted his part of the soul to be completed because he grew weaker year by year. So he ordered one of his wives to escort you to the underworld."

"And that is when your real life after death started." He finished and glanced at Sohee, who was in a verge of breaking down. "Sohee-"

"I don't want to see his face anymore, Yoongi." She sat on the floor, her legs giving in. "I don't want to go back to that hell hole."

As much as Yoongi wanted his sister to stay, he knew he had no other choice but to force her to leave his world. "Sohee, if you decide to stay here, you will only grow weak. A soul from the underworld, especially Hoseok's can never last more than two days here. Do you understand me? You will die for goodness sake. Do you want that?"

"I don't care anymore, Yoongi. I'd rather die than own his soul. Besides, I never loved him the first place." A lie. She knew she was lying. But she cared about her past more than her own feelings, resulting the female to force herself against her husband. "I just want to disappear."

That same feeling she felt when she was suicidal back on earth came back again, making her feel twice as worse.

She finally stood up and dashed out of the room, looking for Hoseok. To see him one last time before to give up once and for all.

the end.


I'M KIDDING IT'S NOT THE END LOL. If you were wondering what Yoongi said before Sohee rage quitted on Hobi here is the tea sis.

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