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The suicide epidemic rocked the foundation of the consumerist world. The fear from the media caused anxiety in some, aggression in others. Social media hijacked the biological need to fit in, an area of the brain hard-wired to anxiety by evolution - at a low level it's positive, but exaggerated it's an actual form of torture. It wasn't just the social media though, it was the fashion industry, movies... you name it. So many had a hand in it. The short term solution was to unplug from the fear, the social pressures, the adverts as much as possible... retreat to music, to art and sport... to find time to be with friends and love nature. The real fix was a societal shift away from materialism and back to something soulful, loving, empathic and kind.

Suicide is traumatic, tragic and painful. Being one of the most suicidal countries, South Korea, this was not a good thing. Every year more than hundreds of deaths were reported. Many find it's the only way. They cut themselves, soon becoming a habit. So this habit leads towards their own death. But that's the wrong way to fix it. Making yourself suffer is not the right solution. Everyone had to go through this at some point, and some were strong enough to fight against it.

Everyone is loved.

They might refuse to believe and throw reasons how it might be impossible.

But things can be possible.

Min Sohee did not have anybody in this world. She was alone, depressed and broken. She was raised as an orphan since day one and now, she lived alone in a rundown apartment in the city of Seoul. She had second thoughts as she passed by the Han Bridge, wanting to jump right into the water so her problems could vanish once she was gone.

No, the problems will still remain. She was alone and orphaned, yes. But she didn't know how much pain she would cause her close friends she considered as a family. She didn't know how her actions would lead to another situation like this, giving them ideas to repeat what she did.

Suicide will never fix any problems. It will only cause more.

One day, she finally released herself. She didn't think of any unnecessary thoughts such as hurting or killing herself. She managed to bring herself to talk to her best friends or her trusted adults who she knew for years.

Only now, she wanted to help anyone out there who were going through the same as she did. She wanted to show them, this is just a phase of their life. If you get through this challenge, you can achieve anything. There are lots of beautiful things waiting just for you.

Every life is appreciated.

Sohee was glad to claim her old self back. She discovered more and lived her life the fullest. Working as a young doctor in a Hospital, she did her best to help the ones in need.

But fate played her wrong.

On a Sunday afternoon, the young doctor decided to take a break from her work. She was exhausted. As she climbed into the hospital rooftop, her eyes widened in horror.

There was a girl, about seventeen. She was crying and her feet were on the edge. One wrong step, she won't be able to breathe ever again. Sohee ran to her quickly without a hesitation. She knew what to do. She was once like this.

"This is not what you want sweetheart." Sohee approached her gently, trying to convince the girl to step down.

The girl chuckled bitterly, "How could you know? Don't you have a perfect life? Unlike mine! My boyfriend broke up with me today, on my birthday and he's my whole life."

Sohee couldn't help but to feel surprised by her reason. It was a big level of stupidity in her point of view. She wanted to give the girl a piece of her mind. To snap the hell out her world and accept the reality, moving on.

"There are other better guys for you. I know it's hard to break up with someone you were with for a long time but please, I beg you not to jump off the building." Sohee pleaded, trying to reach her hand and pull the girl down.

The girl stubbornly crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Then jump for me."


"I will be satisfied when you jump for me. You know why?" The girl stepped down from the edge, leaving Sohee alone on it. Before anything wrong could happen, she needed to step down too. "Because you have a perfect life Doctor Min. Aren't you famous for talking people out of their suicidal thoughts? Well help me by jumping out if this building and I'll stop having those thoughts."

"Are you insane?" Sohee asked, shaking her head, "I won't jump."

"I will make you then. Goodbye, have a nice afterlife." one push, and Sohee felt herself falling towards the ground. She didn't want this. All her life, she wanted avoid the feeling of falling but now, everything seemed to be in vain.

She couldn't remember clearly what happened after. As soon as her body hit the ground, her whole body started to ache very badly. She couldn't breathe due to pain and neither could she move. Her vision was blurry. Looking up, she noticed there was no longer a girl standing at the rooftop edge.

With her gone, Sohee knew that she didn't have the chance to help anyone further. That broke her heart into little pieces. The news of her death will be soon the new hot topic. Only it would be projected as a young doctor committed suicide. With a bitter smile on her face, Sohee closed her eyes.

She was disappointed in this world. Disappointed at how it worked. How social media took over and the changing of humanity. She alone didn't have the chance to change the world but a chance of doing so was ruined by a girl who got heartbroken by a break up.

It was funny how the world had changed.
Because the chances of a human caring for another became low. 

She heard it. The sound of cameras clicking and flashing. A few voices calling the ambulance and some walking away in pity. She wanted to laugh right there. To shout and point out what wrong humans were doing. Without being able to do it unfortunatly, she closed her elyes, giving up. Her vision got darker and darker until the blackness welcomed her, inviting to the next world.

The world where she was supposed to be a long time ago.

A world she was belonged into but she would soon become to hate.

An underworld called Hell.


Haru here with another book. How are you guys doing? Do you like this chapter? Was it too depressed? 

All I want to say is that, If you guys are having problems with something or want someone to talk to, my DMs are always open. Be a Queen/King and step on those hate,depressing, suiciding thoughts and squish them into nothing. You deserve better. Ignore the ones throwing hate at you and continue on your path because you don't need to waste time on them. Think about what makes you happy and live. You only get one chance and use it.

And lastly, I love you💜


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