Chapter 1 - Chloe

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I watched in awe as Chloe finished off Natasha with a roundhouse kick to the side of the head. She walked out of the training room leaving Natasha unconscious on the floor. With a grin on her face she walked over to me and kissed me. I pulled away and said,

"I need to check on Natasha," before walking into the training room. She lay on the floor with her hair spread out in all directions. She was still unconscious so I called in the medical team.

"Chloe, Fury and I have a surprise for you," I said as Chloe and I walked down the corridor.

"What is it?" she asked.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you."


"We're ten seconds away from Fury's office."


We reached Fury's office and Chloe almost kicked the door down in her anticipation. As soon as I opened the door she shouted

"What's the surprise?"

Fury lazily looked up from his computer screen.

"You told her it was a surprise?" he said monotonously. "I will never understand teenage girls."

"Excuse me but we are adults," Chloe said clicking her fingers.

"If I'm correct, and I usually am, the word nineteen has the word teen in it indicating that you would be a teenager. And you don't act like an adult either."

"Guys," I said shaking my head at their banter. "The surprise?"

"Yes what's the surprise?" asked Chloe again.

Fury picked up a small box from his desk and gave it to Chloe.

"No way!" she shouted as she found out what was inside. Her level three S.H.I.E.L.D. badge.

"Wait a sec," she said as a look of confusion took over her face. "I thought you had to have been on a mission to become level three."

"Not necessarily," I answered. "Up to level four your S.O. decides when you are ready for the next level."

"Oh, ok," she said. "But that brings me to my next point," she looked at Fury. "Why won't you let me go on any missions?"

He looked at me.

"You kept it secret for two years," he said. "You're better than I thought."

Chloe spun round to face me with her hands on her hips.

"Kept what a secret?"

"It wasn't Fury stopping you from going on missions. It was me," I said. "I'm not ready to have you in that kind of danger."

"Have you ever thought about what I want? What I'm ready for? If I'm ready for the danger? You know how much I've been wanting to go on a mission. I know you're my S.O. and my girlfriend and you care about me but this goes deeper than that. This is about Tayla isn't it?"

"I'm sorry Chloe its just that I've never done this before."

"Done what?"

"I've never had a relationship before. I've never been an S.O. before. I've never ever had a proper friend before. I've always had to keep secrets, keep to myself, not attract attention. You don't know how hard it is to grow up with secrets. When my sister died I put everything I had into S.H.I.E.L.D., my training. My education took a back seat and there was nothing my parents do about it. You might say this has nothing to do with you but it does. I've had a hard life and right now I'm in a happy place. No one I love is in immediate danger, I have a house, a relationship. I'm not ready for that to change. Why can't you understand?"

"I'm sorry too Anaiya but this isn't all about you just remember that." She walked out of the room.

"Aargh. Why does this always happen?" I put my head in my hands and looked over at Fury.

"This life is hard isn't it," he said.

"Definitely," I answered. "Can you check the security cameras and tell me whether Chloe is heading to one of the training rooms or the parking garage.

He clicked on his screen a few times and said to me

"She just took your car and she drives it better than you."

I shook my head.

"Can I borrow a car?"

"Bring it back tomorrow."

I walked down the corridor to the parking garage. I took a quick look at the selection of vehicles and chose a black and red motorbike. This is going to be fun.

The Lives of Two 19 Year Old S.H.I.E.L.D. AgentsWhere stories live. Discover now