Two days

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The sunlight shining through the window woke me up before my alarm so I decided to just get up and get ready for school.

"Hey Sharon!"


"I'm taking your bike today"

"Sure Katya you can take my bike today thanks so much for asking" sharon said in a mocking and tired voice


I grabbed my bag and left the house. The garage door creeped open. The motorbike was sitting alone in the garage, I grabbed my red helmet and got on the bike. The Keys were left in the ignition and I shook my head, starting up the bike, revved the engine and pulled out of the driveway in one swift motion. I decided to stop at Starbucks and got two drinks one black coffee and one vanilla latte putting one in each little cup holder of the side bags on The bike. With two coffees in hand and my bike parked I headed into the school and went straight to Mattels class

"Knock knock"

Mrs.Mattel was sitting on her phone at her desk and looked up

" morning Katya. Why are you at school so early"

"Uhm idk I didn't walk today"

"Oh you got a ride?"

"No I rode my motorbike. I also got you a vanilla latte. You seem like a vanilla latte type of person"

"Mm You really didn't have to do that but thank you"

I put the coffee down on her desk and took a sip of my own

"So a motorbike huh?"

"yea. I mean it's Sharon's. the uh friend that I live with but I use it more than her"

"I used to ride a motorbike"


"Well it wasn't mine. It was my friends"

"I cannot picture you driving a bike. I see you as the one sitting in the uhm....

"What were you gonna say?"

"I was gonna say the bitch seat but back seat is you know less oppressing."

"Hm. Well I like to be the one driving the bike. Just because I'm as you would say a Barbie doesn't mean I can't do things."

I chuckled and shook my head

"What are you laughing at?"


she sipped her coffee and shook her head with a smirk

The rest of the day flew by and I got home with Trixie on my mind.

She is older than me. It's illegal for us to do anything and even if I was old enough it would still be illegal because she is my teacher. I can't stop thinking about her though. Every time she smiles my heart beats faster. I've only ever felt like this once but this is next level. I'm so confused and hate this feeling. It's screwing with me, I'm not soft. I don't date, I don't commit, I just fuck girls and carry on. Thats all I wanted with Trixie in the beginning but now I just want to spend as much time talking to her and listening to her laugh. Im an absolute mess and it's only been two days.

I needed to not think about anything. I called adore

"Hey what's up b?"

"Are there any parties tonight?"

"Uh yea. Aquaria is having one tonight. Her parents are gone and they're rich as fuck so she has a party any time they're out of town. Like tonight. A Wednesday night."

"Guess we're going to a party!"

"It's a school night Zamo"

"And? It doesn't matter we're going bitch"

"Fine. I'll find out the address and meet you there"


Adore texted me the address and I ordered an Uber.

Adore wasn't kidding when she said this Aquaria girl is rich. The house was massive and there were two pools in the back yard.

It was also packed with people. Adore found me and we went in together.

"Zamo has arrived!"

"Hey Zamo!"


"Yea Zamo!"

I guess Adore also wasn't kidding when she said I was practically famous in the party scene. Everyone knew who I was and they were all posting on their Insta stories saying I was at Aquaria's party. I received this attention every time I went to a party but this was more than usual.

"Geez I wish I was you"

"No you definitely don't. I need a drink"

We got drinks and danced for hours. I was wasted, it felt good as hell.... Until I was throwing up in the bathroom with adore holding my hair out of the way.

"Are you gonna be okay? I need to go call us an Uber"

All I did was nod and I have no clue what happened next. I just know I woke up in my bed in the morning. With a raging headache I crawled upstairs to get advil in my system.
this wasn't proof read so idk wtf.

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