Happy birthday

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another short chapter. Deal with it.
It's my eighteenth birthday and trixie hasn't messaged me in a month and a half.
It's nearly the evening and she still hasn't said happy birthday or anything.

Maybe she really did move on. Maybe tour life was better than her life with me.

"katya stop worrying about trixie and get your ass in the car. We're waiting for you"

Adore, Bianca, Sharon, Alaska and Max were taking me out for my birthday at Gingers bar.

I went to the car and adore pulled out of the driveway.
Sharon, Alaska and Max were in the back already drunk.

"we're gonna have a good night. That Trixie bitch is gonna be forgotten just for tonight. Don't let her ruin your time"

"don't call her a bitch, Sharon. she's not a bitch"

"i dont know. Leaving and not saying a word to the person who is responsible for her getting noticed and the person she says she's in love with seems pretty bitchy to me"

"Sharon! she's busy. she has a show every night except sundays and mondays. She is being controlled by her manager and gets maybe 30 minutes of alone time not including time to sleep. Don't you dare say another thing bad about her or you are dead meat. Got it?"

"okay okay, calm down. I'm sorry. I know she means a lot to you kat"

"we're here! everyone out"

we all got out of the car and went into the bar where we were greeted by confetti cannons, balloons, loud music and a huge crowd.

"holy shit"

"happy birthday, sweetie" Ginger hugged me

"thank you so much. Have you uhm heard from trix?"

"not in a little while. Maybe a month or so. Three weeks maybe?"

"oh okay. thank you"

i went to sasha

"hey babe, how are you doing?"

"i guess i could be better. I haven't heard from trixie since like two weeks after she left"

"we haven't heard from her much either don't worry. It's not you. She is on a tour for christ sake, id imagine it's a pretty overwhelming experience"

"yea i know that. I know. Im just really worried i guess. I thought maybe i meant enough to her, for her to use any chance she can to message me. I know that sounds so stupid and selfish. But that's just how i feel"

"and that's one hundred percent valid. you are allowed to be selfish. Let's make tonight as great as possible and celebrate!"

"of course. Thanks sasha. You are so good at calming me down"


i turned and went to ben who was tapping her foot waiting for me to go to her.

ben put on a pout "oh finally you came to talk to me"


"im just kidding come here sweetheart" ben wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug

"how are you doing?"

"well i met someone. A burlesque dancer."

"tell me more!"

"she's adorable. She has red hair and the most perfect body. Her name is Jinkx"

ben talking about this girl made me miss trixie "that's so great ben, i'm happy for you"

ben could obviously tell i was upset
"hey, trixie gonna be back in like three weeks"

"i know."

"we'll pick her up from the airport. All of us"

"that sounds fun i guess. I don't know. I'm just so stressed"

my phone chimed

trixiemattel has made a post

i opened the post. It was another tour announcement.

She was gonna be going on tour less than a week after she gets back from her current one.
She became extremely popular. I guess popular enough that she already had another tour booked.

Her first show was in New york, New york.

"on second thought ben"

"what is it hun?"

"wanna go on a girls trip to new york in a month?"

"what- "

"trixie just announced another tour already. Her first show is in new york. It can be a full circle moment reuniting with her at one of her shows."

"yes. that is so soap opera dramatic. We can drive. We can rent one of those big vans with all the seats so everyone can come."

i stood on my chair "Hey! um excuse me, can i just get my gang to collect over here"

Sasha, Ginger, Alaska, Sharon, Bianca and Adore all swarmed to the table me and Ben were at.

"okay. I got an idea"

"well spill the tea"

"so trixie is starting another tour less than a week after her current one ends. Her first show is in new york city. Who's up for a little road trip?"

"omg. yes. yes. yes." Adore slapped my arm

"i could go alone but why not make it a fun trip to new york city with all my friends"

"i swear i'm booking it off right now"

"okay. okay. We're actually doing this"

"can we go party now?"

"fuck yea!" i ran out to the little dance floor and moved to the music. Everyone joined around me and for a moment time went still and i wasn't worried about the future or the past.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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