im fucked

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Damn Trixie you're smart. Give me a fucking journal to write in that also has huge news that I need to process and write about.

What do I do? Do I message Trixie? I'll try right now actually.

It's been two hours since she read the message. She hasn't responded. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
I need to talk to her before school starts again but I can't just show up at her apartment. What if she doesn't want to talk to me?
This woman will be the death of me. I swear to fuckin god.
I'll message her again

Nope. I sent five messages. She read every single one an hour ago. What is she trying to do? What's her fucking goal?
If it's to make me question my existence then damn she succeeded. Oh shit she just posted on Instagram
She has a show at Ginger minj on New Year's Eve. Maybe I'll wait till then to talk to her. Give us both time.

I'm fucked.

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