sleep talk

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Sorry for the late update! I've been really busy with the whole Covid-19 situation. I have to take online classes now :(
Anyways here's a chapter! thanks for all the support and i'm happy you guys are enjoying this story as much as i enjoy writing it!
this chapter wasn't proof read, don't come for meeeee.

My head was throbbing as I woke up. I began to panic. Where am I? How'd I get here? I looked around frantically until I realized I was at Trixies.


"Well good morning Katya." Trixie came into the room she was wearing sweats and a t-shirt, her hair was in a messy bun and she had no makeup on. She still looked absolutely beautiful

"What the fuck happened last night? How'd I get here? Why am i here?"

"You messaged me at three in the morning last night and I had to figure out where you were. I found you past out on someone's front lawn and brought you here. I brought you here because I couldn't leave you alone"

"Th- thank you. I'm sorry if I said anything inappropriate. I have no filter when I'm drunk and I think I was more than drunk last night"

"It's alright. You were not safe and I came and helped you."

"Did I say anything?"

"You uh yea you did. But I'll let you read what you said to me"

I grabbed my phone that was charging on the bed side table

"It's almost four?!!"

"Yea. I've been hanging out letting you sleep. I was up at ten"

I read the messages I sent Trixie and my face went hot

"Holy fuck I'm so so sorry. Wow. I suck at typing when I'm drunk huh?"

Trixie chuckled and nodded her head "do you want a coffee or something? I can make you anything"

"Coffee would be great and if you have Advil that would be appreciated"

"Sure thing. I grabbed some of my old clothes for you that I think will fit, their folded in the bathroom. Have a shower if you want"

I went into the bathroom and started the shower right away. The hot water on my skin felt so nice. I realized there were no towels


Trixie came running into the bathroom

"What's up? Are you okay?"

"I need a towel"

"Oh for sure. Sorry"

She left and came back with a towel. I shut off the shower and took the towel from Trixie to wrap around myself before getting out of the shower. When I stepped out, Trixie was still standing there watching me. I looked up at her puzzled

"Oh whoops. Sorry. I'll uh- go check on the Uhm coffee"

She took one more look at me before quickly leaving. 

I got dressed. Her clothes fit perfect. And I went to the kitchen where Trixie was texting someone

"Who you texting?"

She jumped and turned off her phone "Huh? No one. None of your business Zamo"

"Why are you acting all weird. And I'm asking this with a sober mind"

"I'm not acting weird. Do you want cream or sugar?"

"No I just like it black"

"Ew. You disgust me"

"You can't say that!"

"I sure as hell can! You drink black coffee"

"Alright fair."

I wanted to stay in this moment for as long as possible. Sitting in Trixies kitchen wearing her old clothes, drinking coffee and talking with her. It was  amazing. There was still such thick tension between us and I knew how to break it but I couldn't. It would
ruin our friendship and just fuck up everything.

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"Shouldn't I go home?"

"You don't have to. I can drive you home later. I enjoy your company"

"What movie?"

"Doesn't matter"

We got comfy on the couch and watched Disney movies. During the third movie Trixie fell asleep on my shoulder and I realized how close we were together on the couch. I didn't want to wake her so I texted adore and gave an update on everything including where I disappeared to last night.

I put on Fantasia when the third movie ended. Trixie stayed asleep her cute face rested on my shoulder and by now she had her legs laid over my lap. It was heaven. I wish I could spend every weekend like this. Trixie tossed and turned a little bit and she began sleep talking. She said my name. She said my name in her sleep. I was so surprised I shifted a little and Trixie woke up and quickly repositioned "fuck. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep"

"It's alright. I didn't mind. Did you know you sleep talk?"

"Oh no. What did I say?"

"I couldn't really understand what you were saying" an absolute lie.

Within twenty minutes Trixie drifted back to sleep. I carefully got up and picked her up off the couch and carried her to her bed. I made sure to leave a note telling her I took an Uber home and that I hope she had a great Sunday.

I ordered an Uber and went home to the empty house. It was nearly one in the morning but I couldn't sleep. I couldn't process the events of this weekend and Thursday.

My teacher took me to her show. She basically saved me from that party and she took care of me. She slept on my shoulder while we watched movies on her couch. Now I'm home. In bed alone. Trixie isn't just outside the room or sleeping next to me. I'm just alone.

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