xxx. dairy queen and batting practice

453 8 10

5:04 PM!

"OK YOU'VE BEEN IN THIS stupid apartment all day, we're going out

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stupid apartment all day, we're going out."

"no benny c'mon." i kicked my legs as he pulled the covers off of me and my bed.

"no your getting out of bed or i'll sit on you." i grumbled, pulling the blanket i had next to me onto me and over my head.

the next thing i know a fat ass is sitting on me.

"benny what the fuck you fatass!"i yelled, and i heard him laugh as he stayed there.

"then get the fuck up paisley."he shot back, and i pounded on his back.

i started to push him off of me, and was finally able to, making him fall to the floor with a thud, "ow!"

"good!"i laughed at him, and he got up with a sinister grin, before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

"andrew sebastian benintendi!"i screamed as he walked into autumn and i's living room finding her and charlie watching the resident.

"she probably won't be back tonight."he shrugged, and autumn nodded before going back to watching tv.

he took me downstairs to his car, and the bitter winter cold that had started to come in made me start to freeze my ass off.

"benny i'm cold!"i complained as he plopped me in the front seat.

he closed the door before running to the drivers side, and getting in.

"your sneakers and jacket are in the back if you want them."he smiled a little as i dove for them making him laugh.

i quickly wrapped myself in a north face benny had gotten me last winter, and put on my nikes before benny started to drive off to the streets of boston.

"where are you taking me?"i asked, and he shrugged, "just sit back and enjoy the ride"

and so i did.

there was country music playing softly in the background, so i hummed the lyrics to the songs, and looked out the window watching the pretty scenery.

after awhile, i finally realized where we were going and i saw benny smile, "hope your ready for batting practice."

i grinned, and as soon as i did, we pulled into the redsox practice facility where some of the guys would go during the off-season to train.

we hopped out of benny's car before he went to grab our stuff i'm guessing.

as the two of us walked inside, i saw john, one of the people who work he give us a smile.

i had been here multple times with benny ever since i moved to boston so everyone basically knew me.

"who's going first?"i asked as benny put my bag down, and only my bag down making me a little confused.

"you pais, i already did my batting practice earlier."he explained, and my mouth went into an 'o' shape.

we had gotten into the cage, and benny set up the pitching machine, turning it to 70 mph.

he put in one of the baseballs in, and i swung my bat, missing the ball.

this happened a few times to the point where i got so frustrated i was about to throw my bat.

and benny saw this.

"hold up a sec."he said, walking over to me giving me a warm smile.

once he got over to me, he looked me in the eyes before his eyes drifted towards my bat.

"show me your swing."he instructed, and i furrowed my eyebrows, "the fuck? why?"

"you've seen it so many times benny."i fired back, and he just smiled, "show me your swing."

i did my swing, and i saw him study it closely, "again."

i did this multiple times before andrew stopped me.

"your screwing with you're swing my dipping down and not going straight across."he demonstrated my swing, "it's like your chopping down."

i took my bat from him, and did my swing again, making him shake his head, "here."

he came up behind me, his arms snaking around mine. he put his hands on mine and lifted the bat up , before swinging it straight.

he did this a few times, trying to
make it muscle memory.

"john! can you put a ball in the pitching machine?"benny asked, and john nodded before coming in, and putting the ball in the pitching machine.

benny swung our arms and hit the ball making it fly to the back of the wall.

benny went back and put balls in pitching machine.

and i was off.

"you're smelly ass needs a shower!"

i screamed as benny had me over his shoulder, and he was bringing me towards the bathroom, "benny put me down!"

"then take a shower!"he laughed, putting me down right in front of the shower.

"fine but there better be food ready when i get out and i'm taking one of your sweatshirts."i stuck my tongue out at him, making him push me slightly into the bathroom.

i grabbed two towels out of his closet, and started the shower up before stripping out of my clothes and stepping inside the shower.

i had some stuff over here like a hair brush and all that because the amount of times i stayed over here
were countless.

i was in the shower until my fingertips were

i stepped out, before quickly going into benny's bedroom and grabbing a pair of sweats and a redsox sweatshirt of his. i ran back to the bathroom, getting dressed and braiding my hair.

when i walked out into the living room, i saw benny closing the door and a bag of diary queen making my face light up.

"you did not!"i exclaimed, and he nodded with a laugh before coming towards the living room, and turning back on the tv showing the sandlot.

we hopped on the couch, with my head in his lap and ate dinner before watching the movie.

he is the fucking best.

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