*Chapter 7*

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Yoongi looked to his right and saw his coconut sleeping peacefully, his head laid on Yoongi's thigh, his arms wrapped against his waist. The sight managed to steal a smile from the mint haired boy who soon detached himself without waking the other up.

"Goodnight, Kook" With one last ruffle in the other's hair, the teenager exited the other's house after wishing Jungkook's parents goodnight as well.

The night was quiet and peaceful, a few stray cats crossing the streets, but no shouting or gun shots were heard, unlike in Yoongi's neighborhood where crime and thug reigned. Guess that's the perk of living in a rich neighborhood he thought as he looked at all the big houses that surrounded him.  

A few steps later, the silence was interrupted by loud footsteps that echoed in the night. Looking up, Yoongi thought he knew the thin silhouette that was getting nearer with each step and with a closer look, Yoongi recognized the kid Jungkook had been bothering at school. When the two crossed way, Yoongi couldn't help but stop him. 

Feeling his arm being grabbed, the brunette turned around to see who had stopped him.


"You're carrot's friend, right?"

"Name's Taehyung"

"Whatever. What are you doing in Jungkook's street?"

"None of your business"

"Really? Okay. Maybe next time you and Jungkook have some fun I won't stop him, would you like that?" 

The younger groaned.

"Fine. Jimin got beat up and he refuses to tell me who did this so, when Jin came back I said I was going home but I'm gonna go see Jeon and beat his face in for touching Jimin"

"How do you know it's Jungkook if Jimin didn't say anything"

"He hates Jimin"

"Well sorry to disappoint kid but Jungkook's been with me ever since I peeled him off you" Yoongi could see the brunette blush at the memory of the embarrassing moment.

"But if it's not him, who else?"

"Maybe just someone who wanted his cash" Yoongi yawned, bored of this conversation, he didn't even know why he was still talking to the other.

"No, Jimin came back with all of his belongings"

"Well, Jungkook isn't the only one who hates your friend, kid" 

Taehyung frowned before opening his eyes wide.

"Namjoon! That fucker" The brunette frowned again.

"I would advise you not trying to 'beat his face in' because you'll end up getting yours beaten"

"Why do you care what happens to me?"

"I don't" Taehyung didn't seem convinced to which the mint haired boy sighed. "I don't like it when Namjoon beats people, that's all"

"No, I don't believe it"

"Whatever" Yoongi started walking again until a shadow crept up next to him making him stop.

"Taehyung, right?"


"What are you doing walking next to me?"

"You're going to your house, right?"


"We live on the same street" the brunette rolled his eyes. The elder raised a questioning eye brow. He had a hard time believing the soft featured brunette lived in his neighbourhood, even less when he saw how little resistance he offered Jungkook ealrier.

"We do?"

"Really, hyung? We've lived on the same street for like 8 years." 

Yoongi was about to react to the other calling him hyung but merely shrugged before starting to walk again, the brunette next to him.

After 5 times of telling Taehyung to leave him alone, Yoongi accepted the fact that the younger wasn't leaving until they reached his house and so the elder was left with nothing to do but answering the other's stupid question for the next 30 minutes and even if he wouldn't admit it to the boy, the walk back home had been surprisingly pleasant. Taehyung was a funny, easy going person and Yoongi had come to like his natural good vibe. It occured to the brunette he needed more people like this in his life, good and caring people, simple people.

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