Chapter III

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I woke up with someone's arms draped around me. I looked up and saw Jedi's face cuddled into my neck. Ut not only was Jedi snuggled up against me, I was in his t shirt cuddling right back. I let out a little scream and pushed him as far away from me as I could.

"Stop moving, it's still the morning" he whispered and pulled me back into his arms snuggling his face into my neck. I pushed him a little harder than I thought I could, causing him to fall off his bed with a loud thump on the floor.

"What Forest?" he asked sitting up and getting back into the bed looking slightly angry.

"What! Don't What me." I asked him as I was about to push him off the bed again.

"It's only 4 am. We have a couple more hours till school" he answered with a loud yawn.

"Why am I here?" I asked him not letting him too close to me on the bed.

"Well if I don't recall last night" he said winking.

"Oh my god! We didn't have sex did we-!" before I could finished yelling he pounced on me covering my mouth with his hand.

"Shh there are people in this house. You don't want to wake them do you?" he said slowly bring his hand away.

"No we didn't have sex, but sure as hell you wanted to, with those matching panties and bra." he said winking at me.

"Piss off"" I mumbled climbing back to the bed and crawling under the covers. Might as well get some more sleep.

"Awh come back." he said pulling me to him as if it were instinct for him to do so.

"No get off me." I said pushing him off of me.

"Last night you didn't seem to mind cuddling." he said as he placed a kiss to my shoulder.

"Oh god! what are you doing." I shouted kicking him away from me.

"I thought girlfriends are supposed to like to cuddle." he said trying to pull me back into his arms.

"Yeah real girlfriends not fake girlfriends." I mumbled and cuddled closer to the pillow. It felt nice to be in his arms, arm even but I would never tell him that. I shouldn't like the feeling of comfort and yearning of being in his arms. All this was fake, just a delusion.

"So you cuddle with MY pillow and not me?" he asked turning me around.

"I can't hear you I'm sleeping." I said not opening my eyes.

"Okay so if you are sleeping then I can cuddle you." he said bringing me back into his chest.

"Stoooooooooop, let go of me" I said pushing him away, but I couldn't. His strong arms held me tighter as I fault against him.

"Fighting won't help" he whispered and I sighed resting my head on his bare chest. He was so warm I wanted to wrap my arms around him but I didn't. Sleep consumed me just that easily as I finally surrendered as went limp in Jedi's arms.

"Forest wake up " I heard a husky whisper. I slowly opened my eyes to see Jedi next to my rubbing my back. We have been asleep for hours.

"No thanks" I whispered and pulling the blanket closer to me.

"We have to go to school" he said as he kept rubbing my back which I was enjoying more than I should have.

"I don't wanna" I whispered back to him completely forgetting that I was in his bed, at his house.

"How bout I make you a deal." he whispered in a deep almost husky voice.

"I'm listening." I said opening my eyes.

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