Chapter X

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 We pulled away from the kiss breathing hard. His forehead rested on mine, our noses rubbing together softly. His dark eyes looking into my gray eyes. I swam out of his arms and slowly started to swim around him. I chuckled as Jedi pulled me by my hand closer to himself. I smiled and splashed him.

"What?" he asked me.

"You look better with the lights out." I joked making Jedi fake a hurt look.

"Babe you know you love all this." he said motioning down towards his body that seemed to glisten in the moonlight.

"You wish." I said splashing him with water. He picked me up and held me over his head.

"Oh god! Jedi put me down right now!" I yelled, I felt him moving and then I felt cold water all around me. This meant war. I didn't surface, if he thinks he could do this to me he has another thing coming.


I threw her into the water laughing, I waited for her to come up but she didn't. I swam over to looked around. It was quite dark out, it was well past midnight. The moon seemed to be the only light besides the light from the wedding.

"Forest!" I yelled looking around.

"BOO!' She yelled jumping on to my back sending us into the water. I sat up and brought her around me, hugging her tightly.

"What?" she asked confused as she poke my jaw.

"Oh my god, I was so worried I thought you like died or something. I am so sorry." I said holding her closer to me. I felt her small arms go around me.

"Sorry." she whispered snuggling her face into my neck.

"Why?" I asked looking down at her.

"I was the one who threw you in." I mumbled. I just held her closer trying not to think of something bad were to actually happen.

"I wanted to mess with you" she said looking into my eyes. I smiled and leaned down placing a my lips on her forehead.

"Look!" I yelled pulling away from me pointing to the sky. She looked up and saw a million different lights falling. It was amazing, I grabbed Forest and pulled her towards me.

"That's so beautiful." she whispered looking up at the sky in awh. Her eyes wide as her lips parted.

"Mhm" I said looking at her. I just couldn't look away from her. She was like a masterpiece of art that held everyone captivated in her beauty.

"Stop looking at me and look at the sky Jedi! Look at it! It's so just amazing." she said not taking her eyes off the sky, soon the lights slowly died off, and then I heard clapping and happy screams from the beach shore.

"I think we should get back." she said looking at the people at the wedding.

"Or we can do this." I said as I pulled her to me.

"Do what-" I cut her off by kissing her. Every time I kiss her I just want more. There was just something about her and I don't know what, but I just can't keep myself under control. I bite her lip asking her entrance and I felt her smile not letting me in. I smirked and my hands slide down her body to her butt, I gripped it hoping she would let me in but no she didn't. I kissed the corner of her lip then her cheek then down her jawline to her neck. I slowly sucked on a spot making sure to leave a mark. I heard her let out a soft moan as her arms around me gripped on to me harder. Smiling I placed my lips back to hers.

"You don't play fair princess." I said against her plump lips.

"I know." she whispered back pulling away smiling at me. I smiled back as picked her up carrying her out the water.

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