Chapter V

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I woke up and looked at the time, 7 already. I didn't go to school today I didn't feel like it. It was a Friday plus it was movie night, I needed my rest today. I just slept all night. I went and took a hot shower and changed into some gray leggings, a huge navy blue hoodie that had my volley ball number on it and some black toms. I slipped my hair up in a messy bum on the top of my hair and didn't bother putting on any makeup. I walked down stairs to see Jedi talking with my mom. What is he doing talking to my mom.

"Um..." I asked walking into the kitchen looking between the both of them.

"Forest why didn't you tell me about Jedi?" she asked looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I didn't know if she was mad or what. My mother and I were pretty close, best friends even. I never kept anything from her. And telling her about Jedi just slipped my mind.

"um... well I was going to tell you when it got more serious." I said thinking up something because I'm pretty sure Jedi wouldn't want me to be like oh yeah well I'm going out with him for no reason it's all fake.

"Well I like him." she said smiling.

"And I like you too" he said laughing with my mom. Since when did these to become the best of friends?

"We have to go" I said grabbing Jedi's hand in mine and dragging him off.

"Jedi come by diner anytime." my mom yelled as I pulled us out the door.

"She's sweet" Jedi said as I got in his truck.

"Why did you go inside and talk to my mom?" I asked freaking out.

"Because she answered the door?" he asked looking at me like I was a little off.

"Agh I don't like lying to my mom" I mumbled.

"I'm sorry" he whispered back.

"Now you have to come by diner" I said looking over at him. He was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. How did he manage to look good in sweat?

"Why I thought you don't like lying to your mom?" he asked confused.

"Because she won't leave me alone till you come by for dinner." I told him. He was driving but then he stop the jeep and got out. I got out and followed him to Andrew's house. Everyone cars are already parked around in. I knocked on the door and Andrew answered it giving me his goofy smile. I smiled and gave him a hug, as I pulled away Jedi pulled me towards him. His arms wrapped around my waist and his hands rested on my stomach. I placed my hands over his and looked up at him.

"Chill" I whispered to him and walked into the living room which had the leather couches covered with pillows and blankets. The TV was huge and there was a bunch of movies lying around. The coffee table was filled with snacks and drinks.

"Forest!" Juliet yelled running over to me giving me a hug.

"Juliet!" I hugged her back.

"Zach here?" I asked her looking around.

"Yeah Zach!" she yelled, Zach walked out from the kitchen and smiled.

"Hey Forest" he said giving me a hug.

"Zach" I said smiling. Then I heard a cough behind me I turned around and saw Jedi standing there a little too close to me.

"Zach this is Jedi... my boyfriend" I told him.

"Hey man" Jedi said giving him that bro hug thing that all guys do.

"Yeah you're on the boxing team?" Jedi asked him.

"Yeah, won first in state" Zach said.

"Is Nicole coming?" Juliet asked me not really caring about the guys conversation.

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