Chapter VII

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    Cleaning up after a bunch of football players and their families was the worst idea that Juliet ever signed us up for. I finally finished cleaning up the kitchen and wrapping up the leftover food. But I wasn't alone in here, Jedi has been sitting there watching me for about ten minutes now.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"Come play football." he said dragging me off.

"I would but-"

"No you are, all the guys have their girlfriends here, and I want mine to play." he said dragging me with him.

"Fine let me change into something else." I said. I wasn't about to go play football in khakis.

"Fine. " he answer. I grabbed my bag and we walked down the hall. We left the school and I got in my car and drove home. Jedis jeep was following me. I got home and ran up to my room, changing in record time. I slipped on some Nike sneakers and walked down stairs to see Jedi already waiting for me.

"Hurry up, we have to get to Duncan's house" he said. I rolled my eyes and followed him to his truck. We got to his friend's house and everyone was already there. All the guys from the team, their girlfriends and some others.

"Jedi! you playing football?" his friends yelled.

"Yeah when are we playing?" he asked as his hand played with mine.

"About 10 -20 minutes" his friends said then walked off.

"So I'm wondering if you are any good at football?" Jedi asked me as I jumped up on the porch side railing. He stood in between my legs holding me so I wouldn't fall back.

"You'll have to wait and see." I told him.

"I'm gonna get a soda alright." I told him jumping off and walking to the table that had drinks. I opened a can of Sprite as I turned around to see Joe right behind me with his smirk.

"Hey Joe Joe." I said giving him a side hug.

"Hey my little Forest" he greeted as he poked my side.

"Are you playing football?" I asked him.

"Yes of course! are you?" he asked.

"Yeah I am, Jedi is making me play." I told him.

"I'll pick you for my team." he said winking.

"Nah I rather not be on your team." I said jokingly. Out of nowhere some girl ran into me and her drink spilled all over me. I looked down at my shirt to see it was all wet and you could see right through it.

"Seriously." I mumbled pulling the shirt.

"Sorry". she said and rolled her eyes walking off. Obviously the cheerleader had some sort of vendetta towards me.

"You gotta be kidding me. " I mumbled about to go up to her but I felt large hands hold me back. I didn't have to turn around to know it was Jedi holding me back. His hands felt familiar in every sense as they held me.  I turned back to see that he was already looking down at me.

"Jedi stop staring." I told him placing my arms across my chest.

"Oh red looks good on you" some dumb guy yelled. I looked down and noticed my maroon sports bra was complete see through the shirt.

"Fuck off!" Jedi yelled. Pulling me closer to him. I felt gross and sticky from my shirt. I slowly started to pull it off. I heard some whistling and guys yelling encouragements for me to take off the shirt.

"What are you doing?" Jedi whispered pulling my shirt back down.

"It's cold and gross." I told him pushing his arms away from me. I pulled off my shirt and was about to go throw it out when I felt Jedi bring me close to him. He slipped off his jersey and slipped it over my head.

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