Chapter IX

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"Forest wake up!" Jedi yelled pushing me. I groaned and cuddled closer to my pillow.

"Forest please" he whispered as his hand ran down my back trying to get me to wake up.

"No five more minutes" I said pushing him away from me.

"The wedding is in a couple of hours." he said and I shot up running into the bathroom to take a shower. After the shower I made my way out in a towel. I saw Jedi standing there all ready in his khaki dress pants and white button down shirt. His hair was styled in a neat combed over look and he was in dress shoes.

"I'm going over to Albert, I'll be back in about an hour okay? Then we'll go to the beach." he said walking over to me.

"Okay" I answered him. He placed his arms on my waist and leaned his head down placing a small sweet kiss on my lips. Did he just kiss me? There's no one around, why would he kiss me?

"I'll be back and you better be ready." he said leaning away and leaving. I turned on my curling iron and put on my thong and strapless bra. I turned on some music and blow dried my hair.

Then I curled it which took some time trying to get the perfect state between the messy curls and waves. After that I did my makeup, a little more than I do normally. I looked at the time about 10 minutes before Jedi said he would come back. I went to my closet and got my dress out and changed into a light lavender colored dress that was long and flowy. I slipped on some sandals because the dress was long and no one would see them. Plus I'm not about to go to a beach wedding in heels. I was fixing up my make up when the door opened and I saw Jedi standing there.

"You ready Forest?" he asked as he scanned every inch of me to see if I was ready or not.

"Ready" I answered him. He looked at me with big eyes.

"You look so beautiful." he said looking up back to my face.

"Not bad yourself." I said grabbing his hand and pulling him out the room. I didn't want to be late to the wedding.

When we got outside there was a car waiting for us. We got in and it took us to some beautiful beach where the wedding was set up. It was absolutely beautiful. I saw most people have already showed up and just waiting for it to start.We got out of the car, Jedi just took my hand leading me towards some people.

"Guys this is Forest my girlfriend. Forest these are my cousins." he said. For about 20 minutes Jedi brought me around introducing me to his family. They were all so nice and welcoming. There was no way I was going to remember all of their names because there was just so many.

Soon we found seats in the front near his mother and Albert's parents. I sat down and crossed my legs, I felt Jedi's hand around my shoulder and then his other hand found mine. He held it and his thumb rubbed the back of my hand. I rested myself against him, this almost felt real... Almost.

    I have no idea if we are real or are we still fake, we haven't talked about that since months ago. I kinda started to fall for him, more than I should. I felt him move slightly bring me closer to him. I heard the music and the bridesmaids walked down then a cute little flower girl with a ring boy. Then we all stood up and Tillie walked down smiling. Jedi's dad handed her over to Albert. Albert had the biggest smile on his face. His eyes twinkled when he saw her. He looked at her like she was everything he needs everything he ever wanted. Like she was the brightest star he had ever seen.

"Are you going to cry?" I asked him as I looked up at him. He chuckled and shook his head.

"No I'm not, I'm just happy to see my sister happy." he said bring his arm around me pulling me closer to him.

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