Ariana hates scary movies.
Me: cmon..just one rime
Me: time**
Ari: u know i dont do scary movies
Me: y not
Ari: they creep me out
Me: just for one night..justin will be thereeee
Ari: ugh
Me: pleaseee for meee :3
Ari: fine.
Me: i'll see u there
Me: ari said she will go
Jacob: Cool.
Does this mean Jacob likes me? Is this a real date or movies with friends? I don't know. I really like him but sometimes he seems interested in other girls. Maybe he's confused too. I guess we will talk about it more at school tomorrow.
I walked downstairs to the kitchen where I found my mom cooking spaghetti.
" Hey mom," I said.
" Hey honey, are you hungry?" She asked.
" Just a little," I told her.
" Good, I made your favorite!" She said proudly.
I chuckled.
" Thanks mom," I responded.
A few minutes later she told me to come and eat. The food was really good. She put ground beef meat in the sauce to give it flavor.
" Yum! " I said licking my lips.
After dinner I went to my room and watched old reruns of Spongebob. Then I took a quick shower and put on some sweats and an old t-shirt. Then I started texting Nikki.
Me: hey nikki
Nikki: heyyy
Me: guess what happened to me today :)
Nikki: WHAT?!!?!??!!!!
Me: omg calm down lol
Nikki: what happened?!
Me: jacob asked me out
Nikki: really?!
Me: well i think
Me: idk if this means he likes me or not cuz justin and ari are coming so its like a hangout thing i guess
Nikki: ik he likes u ;)
Me: i think he does but doesnt yanno?
Me: lol
Me: like he likes me sometimes and then when he sees like carla or something he likes her
Nikki: ohhh
Nikki: ya..
Me: yep
Nikki: i hate carla..shes so rude and thinks shes all that
Me: i dont really know her like that but ik she likes jacob
Nikki: ya she expresses it too much..shes getting like very attached to she cant be without him
Nikki: but they would not be a cute couple
Me: lol
Nikki: #jaddi
Me: oml
Hey guys!! So this is my first authors note and don't worry, there won't be alot of these. I just wanted to let you guys know that i may not be able to update over the weekdays ( monday - friday ) but i will certainly try ;)
Don't forget to follow me on instagram @bxcababe !!

أدب الهواةAddi has always liked Jacob. The real question was if he liked her back. Will someone get in their way of a relationship? Will Jacob ever like her back? Guess you'll have to read to find out. -janessars