Eight ♡

43 4 1

" Luke?" Justin asked.

" Yea, Luke." Claire said in a trance.

" Claire," I snapped," wake up."

" Hey Addi, so I'll pick you up at 6 for the movies tomorrow? Jacob asked.

" Oh yeah sure." I responded.

He reached in for a hug but I didn't notice. I was lost in his big brown eyes. After he left, I ran to fourth period. I walked in the door right before the bell rang.

" Addi! You were almost late!!" Nikki said.

" Sorry I was talking to Jacob." I responded.

" Oooh..." Ari and Nikki said at the same time.

" Omg be quiet. It isn't like that. I don't think." I said quietly.

" Addi! " Ariana said.

" Whaaatt?" I asked.

" I think you like Jacob." She said giggling.

" No frickin way!" I said laughing.

As the bell rang we all went our seperate ways. As I was walking to the main bridge I saw Claire flirting with Luke. I totally ship it. They are perfect for each other. #cluke. After I watched them flirt with each other for like ten seconds I started to walk home. I got home pretty fast. It only took me ten minutes. I made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich when I got home and had a big glass of chocolate milk. I turned on the tv and watched Monsters Inc. for a while. Then my phone lit up. It was Claire.

Claire: GYWDD QHAY?!

Me: yep..same..

Claire: omg. GUESS WHAT?!!***

Me: chicken butt

Claire: ADDI!!!!!

Me: lol sorry what?

Claire: LUKE!!!!

Me: yessss...

Sorry to end the chapter like that. I want to make it suspenceful ;)

Which couple do u ship more??
#jaddi #jariana or #cluke ??

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