Chapter 9

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Song: More Than Friends by Gabrielle Aplin


Pain. Physical. Emotional. Pain. I have become so numb to the pain, yet it keeps me locked up in my mind. How? Why? What? Brenda. I haven't heard anything about her except we have the same thing. I miss her so much, it hurts. Its the only pain i feel now. I've tried talking to Minho but he won't listen. He says I'm knocked up on drugs and dont know what im saying. I need to see her. Brenda.They won't tell me anything, I mean most of the time I am unconscious but... And that's when the world goes black.

*7 hours later*

I gasp for air as I awaken. This happens a lot but this time felt different. I look around the room and see that everyone is gone. It must be very early in the morning. I sit up and gasp for air, i try to catch my breath but I can't. I lay back down and feel my heartbeat. Thump...thump....thump.thump...thump. Irregular. I catch my breath and reach for a glass of water. I pick it up and bring it to my lips where I quench my thirst. I sit up and gasp for air again but I can't catch it. I fall back down. What is happening to me? I am getting out of this bed if it is the last thing I do! I swing my legs over the bed and slowly slide my body off the bed in a crawling position. I can breathe. I head for the opening of the tent and look out. I see chaos. People running, fighting, and medjacks running to another tent. Brenda. What if something happened to her. No. I won't let it happen. I crawl out of the tent but soon feel super weak. My arm gives out and I feel a slice in my chest. I wimper but no one can here or see me due to their other activities. I continue towards the other tent. I finally reach it and crawl in.

I see Brenda. She looks awful. Beautiful but awful. She is laying on her side holding her pillow wet with tears. She is asleep but in pain. I stand up and can still manage to breathe. I walk slowly over to brenda and grab her hand. "Brenda" I whisper. Nothing. "Brenda?" I ask again a little louder. I see her eyes move and she awakens to see me. "Thomas?" She says half asleep. "Its me" I say as I pull her into a hug. "What? How? Why-" "we don't have much time brenda. I need you to tell me everything you know". She begins to tell me everything she read in the journals and what she has heard. I begin to get dizzy and begin to shake. "thomas!?" She whispers. I stand up, "I'm okay-" I begin to lose my breath again. "I-i can't--breathe" I squeal out. "turn around" she says in a yell. I turn and she lifts up my shirt.  I don't remember much but I remember the feeling of having the large needle like object ripped out of my side. I know I screamed but I passed out right after. I was in and out inbetween because I remember the medjacks pulling me out of the tent and brenda screaming for me to hold on. And then, it was all black.


I don't care what these needle things are. They should have removed them. I have been here for days, I learned a few things. I had the same problem as Thomas, the breathing. It got so bad, I would feel like death was upon me. Then the day I read the journal, I threw up. The force of me throwing up loostened the needle like object. Later that night my body felt, better. The next morning I removed it, I cut it out of me. The medjacks found me bleeding out and called a meeting. They believed that they should just kill us, Why risk everyone getting sick? When Thomas came in I was so happy. I could save him. That's why I pulled the needle out when he couldn't breathe. I saved him. And that is when I fell into a deep sleep. Not a painful sleep, but one filled with hope.

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