Chapter 1: I'm Finally an Anime Protagonist!

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"Please (Y/N)! I promise I'll pick him up from your house after practice and keep him for tonight...for the whole weekend!" Hara said, practically on his knees.

(Y/N) turned her head away stubbornly and held the bundle in her arms tighter. She made no move to get up from the bleachers.

"You said that last time and never showed! He's our responsibility and you need to do your share of the work!"

"I will I promise, just not right now!"

"Hanamiya is going to be here any minute. If you don't get her out of here he's going to be upset. You know he's been a bitch ever since we lost to Seirin." Furuhashi said glancing at the time on his phone.

"He's always been a bitch! And he's gonna take it out on me." Turning to (Y/N) the young man pressed his hands together pleadingly. "Look you can bring him to my house and I'll take him or better yet wait for me outside and just pass him off to me when I'm out of practice. From there I'll deal with him."

"DEAL with? You mean take care of! And why, so you can sneak out a different way and leave me waiting with a baby outside the gym? I don't think so!"

"If I let you stay my captain is gonna be so pissed off and I am not running suicides because of you!"

"Your captain can kiss my ass!"

"Ahh you can't say things like that! Look you're a new transfer so I get it, you don't know Hanamiya but I'm warning you you're gonna leave here in tears."

"And you are too if you don't help me with this kid!"

"Oh my god stop yelling." Seto drawled sitting up from one of the back bleachers. "Why don't you just take the damn thing and go home for today? Then you don't have to worry about the captain meeting your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend! Besides he'll be pissed if I bail on practice!"

"But is that worse than the possibility of your girlfriend telling him to fuck off?"

"I think Seto has a point." Yamazaki said bouncing the ball against the gym wall. "Tell Caps you got sick or something."

"I guess. Will that satisfy you? I have to miss my practice to help." Hara asked frowning at the girl who only huffed in annoyance.

"Oh you have such a sad story to tell. I'm sacrificing too here! Do you know how much he cries!? I've missed countless episodes of new anime!"

"You're comparing sports to anime? I have to practice to get better, you can just watch the same episode the next day!"

"Ummm and risk spoilers?"

"You're such a spoiled brat! I don-"

"Why haven't you guys started?" A deep voice rang through the gym. Everyone turned their heads to see their captain stroll in tossing his bag onto the floor.

It wasn't long until olive eyes spotted the unfamiliar face in the room. (E/C) eyes met his unblinking and a small stare off began. Hanamiya rose a brow at this poor lost soul that wondered into his gym.

"Who the hell are you?"

"You look..." (Y/N) began, still staring.

"Please don't." Hara whispered knowing this wasn't going to end well.

The black-haired male had to stifle a blush from how intently the girl was staring at him. Thankfully a scowl covered that just fine.

"Here, hold my baby." The young woman said shoving the blanket at Yamazaki. Reaching out her phone she quickly typed something in before holding up an image of some anime character,

My Harem is Entirely Bad Boy Types (Kirisaki Daiichi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now