"Hansel, its time to get back inside, supper is ready." Hansel looked towards the light again and he saw Gretel's face. He jumped and the light seemed so much closer than before as if he had been in front of his house the whole time. "Did you give up?" Gretel asked. Hansel nodded. "I'm leaving it there for the night, hopefully, I can catch myself something." "Papa is home and Mother is in a good mood, just say that it was getting too dark." Hansel stepped into the house, happy to be back and chilled from the experience. "I was meaning to tell you, Hansel. Don't use a trap by sitting there for hours, it is better to wait overnight." Father said. Hansel shook his head. "What about that something always gets ahold of what I had caught?" Father sighed.
"Well, I guess that I had forgotten." "I'm leaving it out there tonight, Papa," Hansel said. Mother came bursting into the door. "Hansel, did you catch yourself a rabbit or some other animal?" She asked. Hansel shook his head. "No Ma'am." He said. Mother smiled sympathetically. "Well, it was getting late as it is. Eat your bread and then off to bed, this is the best meal that you will have for a long time." Mother grimaced and Gretel nodded and hurried to the mat in the corner of the cottage. Hansel crawled inside the bed and pulled the covers over his head.
It was four in the morning when Hansel awoke. He lifted his head up and looked around. His Mother and Father were sleeping in the other corner. He sat up and stretched ready to be up for the day and start early this time. He stood up and crept to the door opening it as softly as possible. Hansel knelt onto the ground and picked up several handfuls of white stones and placed them into his pocket as he always did. His stomach growled.
He picked up the hatchet and began to walk into the forest again, chopping trees for firewood every once in a while and leaving them until he came back the way. He made his way to the trap that he had set out the night before. Hansel could see that the trap was closed around a strange creature or part of a creature. He came closer and saw some slightly black hair with something on it that looked like tar. It was slimy and thick at the same time. He poked at it with his stick and now he could see that the trap had been torn in half.
Really short chapter. I have a lot of writer's block for this.

It Never Ends Hansel and Gretel
Horror"Why does it never end? There is no stop to what has happened, Gretel."