1. I Guess I Died

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Chapter 1: I Guess I Died

I stood over my dead body. Did I mention that I looked absolutely horrible? I should not have died this way. Dying from a car accident was one thing. Dying from a man's mistake, however, was another. My face wasn't too bad, I suppose, I thought, trying to comfort myself. 

Oh. Yes. I will back up a little and explain to the confused souls here.

I was Kayla Marie, a famous Hollywood star who had catapulted to fame at the age of 16. Unfortunately, tonight I had catapulted to my death. Not a good thing, really. And that was literally what had happened: I had been filming some scene- it was now murky in my head, which was alarming- and it involved a catapult. Some idiot hadn't measured properly, and so the catapult I was being launched from was a tad too strong to support my light frame. So it jerked me off and away across the rainbow. To hell!

Ah, more on that part later.

"We have gathered to mourn the sudden death of Kaya Marie. She was an amazing woman, a legendary actress-" the newscaster choked back a sob. "And she has died."

I was now named after a Malaysian/Singaporean food spread. Kaya.

Lovely. Even in your death, you sure left behind an amazing legacy, Kayla.

I stared at my hands. Like the hands I was moving now. They were translucent-ish, flickering with silver light. It was gross. I supposed being a ghost meant I didn't have proper solid body parts anymore. A small part of me wondered how I'd, well, carry out certain bodily functions. Like, uh...peeing? I envisioned a silver translucent stream of water erupting from my silver translucent...ahem, body part, and felt like laughing. Oh dear. I was really going mad.

Can't go mad if you already were.

Oh, shut it, inner voice.

On the ground, the physical human me was splayed out, her head rolled back in a fatal position. Blood leaked from a wound in the shoulder.

I was trying to convince myself it was fake blood and that had just been part of the scene I had been shooting, but I honestly wasn't very sure. I couldn't remember, even though it has happened barely five minutes ago.

A silver glint caught my eye. And no, it was not my ghostly body parts. In fact, it was a jewel peeking out from my human body's neck. Ah, I remembered that. I had been wearing a ruby and diamond encrusted necklace when I'd plummeted to my death.

The simple pleasures of life!

I needed to take it with me. Not because I liked it. In fact it was a hideous necklace. But I just might need it later. My instincts told me I would. Maybe I'd need it to barter trade in heaven.

Because I was going to heaven, surely.

A cold heavy hand clamped down on my shoulder. I screamed, but no sound came out. Just silence.

Slowly, I turned to face the person who could touch a ghost.

A man dressed in flowing black robes with a black choker and messy black hair regarded me coolly. His eyes never left mine. They were black, rimmed with red. I prayed that it was just red makeup. His skin was pale, porcelain pale, and yet very beautiful. In his hand was a wickedly long and sharp spear. I got the feeling he wouldn't mind spearing me through just for the fun of it.

"Come, let's go," he murmured.

I felt a jolt of power surge through me, and I finally realised that I could walk one step without breaking a sweat...then two, three!

I followed what could only have been the Grim Reaper to a yellow bus parked at the end of the carpark I had died in.

"What? A school bus?" I asked incredulously.

He shrugged. "Only the best for the dead."

I couldn't tell if he was kidding. Hopefully he was.

Obediently, I trotted after him, but then I paused as a sickening thought occurred to me. "Wait, are you bringing me to heaven or to hell?"

"Customs first, my dear dead girl," he tossed over his shoulder casually, like he was talking about customs for a plane ride.

"Ah," I swallowed my nervousness. Perhaps I would be lucky and go to heaven. Or I wouldn't mind ending up in purgatory. At least it was halfway there.

I began to review the List of Horrible Things I Have Done mentally. To my relief, not that many. They were mainly stuff like: forgot that person's birthday! Oops! Didn't feel like going out, so pretended I was sick. My bad!

Okay, that kind of stuff wouldn't make me a sinner. The devil wasn't so petty. Surely.

Long story short, the devastatingly handsome Grim Reaper picked up a bunch of other dead people: an old granny, a young baby, and a prisoner with a tattered shirt that read '303'. Scary.

The prisoner stared at me with haunted eyes, and he was thin and gaunt. His shirt hung off his frame, and his fingers were caked with dirt. He slouched at the end of the bus, muttering to himself.  On the other hand, the old granny seemed to be in her element. She hummed some old '60s song to herself and stared out of the window. Unfortunately, the window was blocked up with translucent black paper, but I suppose she could still see a little of New York flying beneath her. 

The baby was crying. I felt sorry for him or her, because the Grim Reaper had simply tossed the baby into the back of the bus without checking to see if the baby was okay. That kind of throw would have killed the baby. But of course, it was already dead. No worries about killing it.

I was sitting in the front seat of the bus, directly behind the Grim Reaper. So I craned my head and looked out of the front windscreen. It was a dazzling view. The clouds were fluffy and white, and they floated lazily around. Here and there, there were these beautiful towers that rose from the clouds, literally, sparkling and glinting in the sunlight. I sighed dreamily. It would be amazing to live in one of those...

The bus came to an abrupt halt. I screamed. This time, my voice worked. The Grim Reaper turned around and I was met with a hard look. "Shut up, dearie. You don't want to lose your life a second time," he hissed. 

I probably shouldn't have asked, but I did anyway. "What do you mean? I'm already dead."

The Grim Reaper frowned. "I mean, Hell is here to pay a visit, and it is not always pleasant."

Hey guys! It's aurum autumn, back with a new story. I mean, in the past I mostly did historical fic and fanfics, which, by the way, are absolutely cringey and embarrassing, but I'm not taking them down since some people have said that they like it, and I'm just keeping it on Wattpad for now. Anyway, I decided to write a new one, and here it is! I hope you like it. It's different, I guess, because I don't really write about this stuff, like devils and Hell and all. 

I want to say that I don't mean to offend anyone! If your religion does not believe in this stuff, and you feel offended, please do not continue reading. Just remove it from your library, and don't spread any negative comments, please. The stuff I am writing: Heaven and Hell, and all, is not based on any specific religion or belief. It is simply something I made up.  There, that's my disclaimer. 

Do leave comments and vote if you liked this chapter! I will do my best to continue writing. 

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