17. Are You Tickled?

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Chapter 17: Are You Tickled? 

Pic of Kayla's outfit above! Just the outfit, btw. Her appearance isn't really like that. But up to you. You're the reader. 

He tickled me. 

I did not expect that. Never in my life (okay, death) had I thought that Lucifer would do that. And he did. He surprised me.

To his surprise, though, I did not react much. Secret: I wasn't ticklish, except for one spot, my shoulder. It was the weirdest part ever, and he had aimed for my belly, so I was safe for now.

I cackled in delight. In retrospect, I probably sounded like an old witch, but I didn't care, and I lunged for him, launching myself on top of his body. "Take that!" I grinned, jabbing him mercilessly.

"Ah...ah...aaaaaah!" he moaned, trying to grab my hands and throw me off him. But I was too small for him to catch, and I moved in an agile manner, targeting as many areas of his body that I could (except the private parts, of course. I wasn't dirty minded like some other people were.)

Lucifer cried "I surrender! Wilt thou take thy hands off now? It tickleth me so!"

I stared at him, momentarily forgetting my goal to tickle him silly. "Did you just speak in-"

"Excuse me," he muttered. "Sometimes I lapse back into the old times."

Then he was distant again, gazing into goodness knows what. The air, most likely. I frowned. The sudden change in his mood was disarming and just plain weird. He glanced at me, and bit his lip nervously. It was sort of adorable, though, the way he did it, like he was a child afraid of being caught after emptying the cookie jar.

"I'm sorry," he said finally.

I hesitated. I wanted to ask him what he was thinking but it was probably too intrusive... there was a brooding expression on his face which I felt worried about. Would he think I was too forward? Acting too quickly? And then again, I wasn't in a position to worry about him. No, I was meant to be a trickster, a cheater of feelings.

Lucifer rose and nodded stiffly. "Please excuse me," he murmured softly. At that, he finally met my eyes. "I'm sorry, Kayla. I have my reasons."

He disappeared in a black cloud.

Well, after that, I was just tickled pink. I stared at the spot where he had been lying after I'd tackled him, and tried to form a coherent thought. It wasn't like me to daze out for long. Yet here I was, looking blankly at where Lucifer had once sat.

"Oh, goodness gracious," I cried, and stood up with my hands on my hips. "I don't care about a silly old devil. Okay, I should go lie down-"

A letter dived straight at me from thin air. Yelping, I ducked to the side before I could get killed by a flying letter, and the letter landed triumphantly on the floor. I groaned, recognising the seal: it was from Heaven, straight from his Royal Stupidness. The freaking idiot who refused to admit me into Heaven. Alright, I was annoyed at him. Maybe that would put me into Hell, daring to think badly of him...but ah, I was already in Hell, wasn't I? So I could act badly anyway. That was one of the good things about Hell. You could be bad here.

I wanted to tear up the letter or feed it to the Devil King in his burpy soup. But I opened it anyway, maybe because of the bolded words in front that said clearly:

Open it or you stay in Hell, K.M.

A very subtle and gentle greeting to me.

So I opened it reluctantly. The contents were even worse than the first letter had been.

Dear Kayla Marie, you are a fool to ingest that poison and let him take you in that state. It is lucky that I was watching at that time.

One final warning: I will be watching you. You have six months to complete your task. If not, feel free to stay in the Underworld. Your friend Ajax, by the way, is currently in the Underworld, but not in Hell. Feel free to find him in the other states, and may danger follow you. 

Not sincerely, the Heavenly King.

What a ray of sunshine. Just what you'd expect from the Heavenly King. Wait, where had that come from? I thought the Heavenese, as they were called, were supposed to be nice. And what was with all the 'feel free' stuff? I definitely did not feel free. Maybe that was the point. To remind me that I was not free, no matter what. 

And why was I made to follow this stupid Heavenly King? I had never met him. He sucked big time.

My head throbbed.

The thing was...I had no choice but to follow. I was under the control of both Kings from Heaven and Hell, and I risked being destroyed from either side. I had to play my game very carefully. I shouldn't have agreed to the stupid Heaven person's proposition. I should have just...I don't know. I slumped in defeat. There hadn't really been an alternative, had there? 

With a sigh, I rose to change my clothes and go to film.

After I'd changed into a loose black vintage floral print jumpsuit, accessorised with chunky white earrings and cute strappy white sandals, I crossed the room to go outside, knowing I'd have to put on my mask soon and act happy.

My eye caught sight of the porridge bowl, half eaten, on the small coffee table next to my bed. A smaller plastic bag was beside it, and I just couldn't resist taking a peek to see what it was. Lifting up the handles of the bag with a rustle, a dazzling sight awaited me. I drew in a breath in delight.

Deviled eggs! I could tell they were deviled eggs because they were sliced in half and stuffed with delectable looking egg yolk, which was mixed with mustard and mayonnaise, and I could see salt and pepper grains as well. I sighed in bliss.

Lucifer must have gotten them for me. I didn't know how, but maybe he had Googled it somehow and got his chefs to make it. Somehow I knew it was poison free, because Lucifer had brought it and I trusted him.

Trust? A little voice in my head whispered. What trust do you mean, when you are going to break his trust in you completely? By embarrassing him? Will that win you trust points?

My hands, which had reached out halfway for the eggs, slowly retracted and I started at the eggs. I didn't deserve these. Not when I was about to betray Lucifer...

Perhaps I didn't have to betray him. And yet in my heart I knew it was impossible to do anything but to hope things wouldn't turn out that way...

A knock. Ianthe danced in, closely followed by Gadina. Both had smiles on their faces.

Aww, isn't that adorable of little Lucifer:) he got her deviled eggs, her favourite type of eggs! Got this idea from my friend's sister's boyfriend! Haha. Not that I've spoken to him. Just heard the story from my friend.

I don't know if I've said this before, but I do apologise for short chapters! I just can't do it with school work.

Have a nice day! Thoughts on this chapter? So, were you tickled by this chapter? Haha. Who's ticklish here? -->

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