15. Devil-To-Girl

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Chapter 15: Devil-To-Girl

"No, father," Lucifer groaned. He pushed himself so that he was sitting straighter. And honestly, he was nearly at my height. I mean, I was 150 cm, and he was goodness knows what, so it made sense that when he sat up he'd be around my height. Still, I found it slightly demeaning, if you understand me. 

Devil King smirked. "Oh, gods, Lucifer. Are you really falling for the girl already? How weak can you be?"

He winced and shut his eyes, then reopened them, and his face rearranged into an unreadable expression. "Father, do not call me that. I just do not wish that you scare Kayla-"

The King turned to me, completely disregarding his son's words. "Do you want my son to get hurt?"

I shook my head quickly. Lucifer couldn't get hurt. He just couldn't. I didn't know why. I barely knew him, and yet the thought of Lucifer getting hurt made my heart twist. Even if we had just met and barely knew each other, he was still my friend. The friend that I might betray eventually. Ugh. I hated this. 

He raised an eyebrow and spun back to Lucifer. "Son, do you want her to get hurt?"

Lucifer had a pained expression as he glanced at me, then flicked his eyes back to the floor. When he replied, his voice was so soft I could barely hear it. "No."

"It's settled, then! I talk with the girl, you leave. So no one is hurt. Now, Kayla Marie, let's go to my room," the King said, a self-satisfied grin plastered on his face.

I gulped and cut my eyes to Lucifer. His fist was on the floor and clenched, and it was shaking. But Lucifer did nothing. He simply closed his eyes and avoided my gaze. That hurt. 

"We're going to let the cameras see this," the King smirked. "It'll be great footage."


"Father, do not torment her any further," Lucifer whispered. His voice sounded so weak that I wanted to cry myself. That's how bad it was. But he made no move to do anything else other than slump against the wall and talk. I balled up my fist, but before I could punch someone, something, a cold hand closed over mine and I was dragged out of the room.

I saw the lens of a camera again, and so I mustered a grim smile. We ran down corridor after corridor and finally skidded to a stop, where I was pushed into the room by the Devil King.

He locked the door behind him and his entire demeanour changed. His cold eyes became even icier, narrowing into thin slits, and the mirth, which had been fake anyway, disappeared swiftly. Glaring at me, he closed in, and I was suddenly thrown back against the wall. I hit it with a large thump.

King was still at the door, whereas I was pinned against the wall on the far side of the vast, cavernous room by an invisible force that was unseen. My heart beat wildly in my chest, and I was terrified. I had only felt this scared once before...and this was nearly deja vu. But this devil was powerful. He wasn't just a man...he was an ancient spirit who, no doubt, knew how to kill. His hands had to be stained crimson with the blood of the murdered by now. 

A cruel smile appeared on his face. I was so shocked that everything had happened so fast, I had to catch my breath for a scary moment. My head still felt foggy, and I could barely remember what had happened in the fancy dining room with the long table...

"So young and pretty. You must surely be less than a century. Just like a baby. Do you like the dress I picked out?" He said easily.

I scowled, dropping all pretense. I figured I couldn't die anyway, so it was worth a shot. "I like the dress, but I don't like that you picked it. And it's too revealing."

He frowned. "Too revealing? It's the most fabric on a dress I've ever chosen! My son accidentally walked in when I was choosing a dress for you, darling, and he insisted I pick something which covered a little more. Be grateful. Although he wasn't happy with the final pick either...but nothing can make him satisfied anyway."

"What did you feed me? Poison?" I frowned as another hot jab of pain struck my head and wracked me with pain. I saw spots in front of me and blinked, praying that this horrible hallucination would go away.

King leaned against the door, his arms folded casually. "Ah, very direct, I see. You do have a low opinion of me. If I'm not wrong, you even think of me as the devil!"

I glowered at him. "Why did you want to talk to me?"

He laughed, and suddenly I was suspended in midair, choking to death. Someones's hands were wrapped around my neck, s q u e e z i n g-

and I could not even see the person-

King was howling in amusement and tears were pouring down his cheeks while I was wheezing for air, desperately trying to inhale-

He dropped me. 

I gasped for air as I fell on the ground with a thud. My dress slipped up my thigh, and I may have flashed...I'm not sure, because my head was hurting horribly again.

"There, there. Don't be so rude to me. I am in charge here, after all. You are just a puny mortal. Now, before I destroy you, tell me: are you a spy from Heaven? Those idiots actually sent a spy after threatening to do it for years? Or are you here to break my son's heart?"

With some difficulty, I raised my head and wobbled to my feet until all 150 cm of me was facing him. Although I still could not walk forward, held back by a force or invisible wall, at least I was standing tall. "No," I said firmly, trying to sound convincing. I had to sound confident or he'd not believe me. "And besides...why would I break your son's heart? I am nothing! I'm just entertainment for them." 

He chuckled mirthlessly. "You don't want to. I can see you are telling the truth. The snaketongue herb I fed to you, my darling, makes you tell the truth. Unless you are very powerful...which I highly doubt...you are not lying."

A sliver of doubt snaked its way through my foggy mind. Maybe someone from Heaven was helping me, was changing the dynamics here, was making King think I was not lying.

"Oh, yeah? Care to let me go now? Thank you for suffocating me-" I began angrily, but King stepped away from the door and it flew open with a loud bang. And then suddenly I flew out of the room into the corridor, and the door shut behind me. "Ow," I mumbled as I cradled my hand, which had borne the impact of my crashing into the pillar in the corridor. I thanked the gods that there were no cameras here. It must have been a low budget reality show.

Suddenly there was a shadow over me and I jumped. My nerves were frayed and I had had just about enough. But to my relief, the person had a cloak on, and his eyes were swirling colours of blue and green. Lucifer. 

I collapsed into his arms. The last thing I saw was his worried expression, and a golden line on his forehead where he'd been cut. 

Hey, btw, anyone watched Frozen 2? It's so good! The songs are amazing. My favourite is All Is Found, how about you guys? There's just something about that song that's hauntingly beautiful. I'd like to thank anyone who has been voting and commenting.

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