19. Grim Situations

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Chapter 19: Grim Situations

After Ianthe finished telling me about where Ajax was kept, I gripped her ice-cold blue hands. "A...are you certain?" I asked, sick with fear. My stomach was in shreds.

Ianthe nodded weakly. "D...do you still wish to proceed?"

I hesitated. "Will Lucifer help me if I ask him to?"

"Go on," Gadina said. "Let him know you want to break a prisoner free from one of the Underworld's cells. He's sure to help you."

"Okay! Stupid question," I raised my hands in surrender. "I'll go and do it myself. I'm sure I can."

"Go on," Gadina said. "Feel free to get caught and tortured for eternity."

"What do you want me to do, then?" I snapped.

"We're coming with you. But not today, Ma'am. Be logical."

I frowned. "You thought I was going to attempt a jailbreak today? Of course not, Gadina! I'm not that type of person. I always like to have a plan."

"Luckily you aren't like those stupid story characters, then," Gadina remarked. "Stupid story people are always very impulsive."

Ianthe was listening worriedly. "Ma'am, I don't think...it would be suicide."

The thing was, I knew it would. The minute I had heard the place where Ajax was imprisoned, I knew that going to save him wasn't possible. I had no powers. No weapons. I couldn't do anything. A seed of fear began to blossom in me.

Ianthe shut her eyes. "Ma'am, I want to go and help you. But there is someone else there, and she..."


Horror sliced through me and realisation hit my heart. Missus. The boss who had abused Ianthe and Gadina.

Gadina stiffened. I could see she was beginning to close up, like stomata. "Please excuse me," She murmured, and ran to the door.

"Gad!" A rush of blue and both sisters were gone.

Despair filled me. This was an impossible task. Yet I was bound to Ajax, and I had to do it.

A soft knock, and when I called the person to come in, Lucifer entered. He looked at me. "Kayla, what's wrong?" He asked.

I summoned a confident smile. "Nothing. You?"

"A lot is wrong. I came to warn you to be careful," Lucifer muttered. I felt a pang in my heart. Lucifer was always so considerate, thinking of me first. How about himself? I looked closely at his hair. Some strands were tinted white at the ends. What had happened for him to be so stressed that his hair, the beautiful, luscious black hair, had turned white?

Lucifer ran a hand through his hair. A gesture I had never seen him do. "My brother has returned. He is extremely dangerous. He is currently locked up in the Dungeon of Wrath, but I sense his power growing, and any day soon, he might just escape. I am trying to keep him in, we all are. But I just...wanted you to be aware. To be careful of where you go from now on."

"The Dungeon of Wrath?" I asked. My heart started to pound.

"Yes," Lucifer said, not looking at me. "The place where the worst Underworld criminals are held. You should never go near it."

"What does your brother look like? Why is he so dangerous?"

Lucifer finally glanced at me. He inhaled deeply and held out a hand. A holographic image projected from his hand, in black and white. I sucked in a breath. "That's 303!" I shrieked. The escaped prisoner who had been in the same school bus as me and Grim and the granny and the baby!

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