21. Greedy Temptation

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Chapter 21: Greedy Temptation

Greed was ugly. I mean, I know the emotion is ugly, but like, the physical manifestation of Greed was so ugly. I didn't want to look her in the face. She understood that pretty fast, though, so she changed her look immediately to a better one. You've seen Ursula. She looked something like that after her transformation. And trust me, Ursula-face is better than original Greed-face.

I didn't have the chance to meet with the other lovely aunts before Greed whisked me off to a corner. The aunts and Lucifer immediately melted back into the darkness and I couldn't see them again. I guess they were gone. I wished they were still there. Especially Lucifer.

She leered at me, mouth wide, showing her crooked teeth. "Want to try a candy, child?" she asked.

I folded my arms. "Standard kidnapping line. Next."

Greed laughed. "I see why my nephew would fall in love with you."

"What?" I asked. Was my task complete?

"Child, don't think so fast. I can see greed lighting up your face. I was speculating. Right now, I am afraid my nephew feels nothing but... it doesn't matter," she said, pausing heavily. "I want to discuss something with you. I hear you have a task from the Heavenly King."

I hung my head. "No. I don't. I'm a normal citizen." My heart pounded. I felt terrified, because I knew instinctively that this creature in front of me was an ancient being, one who could easily snap my neck if she suspected I was lying-

"Don't lie, child. You accepted the task because of greed. Of course I am aware of the task. You want to go to Heaven. You are not happy with your current situation. I can help you to quicken the task," she said slimily, her rancid breath fanning my face. I winced.

"What's the catch?" I asked. I didn't trust Greed yet, but I wanted to hear it.

"Nothing," she said, laughing softly. "I am giving you what you desire. You seek Ajax. Ajax is a prisoner in the State of Fear. In Fear's castle dungeon. If you like, I can bring you there now. You can free him."

She's very, very shady, I thought, looking at Greed. It seemed impossible. "What do you really want, Greed?"

She smiled. "I told you. All I want is for you to complete your task."

"Are you Greed, lust, or envy? They seem almost similar. But why aren't there Lust and Envy?"

Greed's eyes glowed a dusty yellow. "I ate them up. So yes, now Lust and Envy are part of me. Envy is also a part of Jealousy, my younger sister. We cut Envy up, split her into two."

"What?" I took a step back.

"You want Ajax, right? Think of it. Once you have Ajax, ask me again. I told you I am Lust as well. I can help you make my nephew submit to you. Then you can go to Heaven with Ajax. You will leave us Hell beings behind in the Underworld as we belong. Everyone is happy."

My voice trembled. I don't know how I said it, but I did: "L-lucifer won't be. I'll have tricked him." As soon as I said it, I regretted it. Greed was right. Everyone would be happy. No, what was I thinking? I was so confused. My mind was whirling madly, and I couldn't think straight.

"My nephew? I thought Ajax is the one you want so badly," Greed countered in a soothing voice. I felt sleepy suddenly. Her voice was lulling, drawing me to close my eyes...

I blinked rapidly. "No, I..."

Greed's smile was sympathetic. Somehow, as I looked at her, I felt like she understood my tangled feelings. I hadn't meant to hurt Lucifer at all. I hadn't meant to grow attached to Grim or Lucifer, or the twins Ianthe and Gadina. I was stuck in a difficult situation, and Greed could help me. Right? I was mesmerised by the sympathy she showed me...it was raw and real. No one really showed me much sympathy. I didn't realised how much I'd needed sympathy. It wasn't pity. It was understanding I craved.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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