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Elle's Outfit

Elle's Outfit

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Los Angeles, California

May 20th, 2019

Elle's P.O.V

"My brother lives in L.A"~Elle


"Mhm, he's got a wife and two kids out here."~Elle

"How come he moved away from London?"~Andy

"My dad didn't like his wife because she's coloured and he said 'it's either the family or her, which is it?' and he chose her."~Elle

"Did he keep in touch?"~Andy

"With me, Luke and Tamara yeah. We had to keep it a secret though. My Mum doesn't even know he's not in London anymore."~Elle

"When did your Mum leave?"~Andy

"I was 6, so nearly 20 years ago."~Elle


"Yeah, she left my Dad for someone called Fabien."~Elle


"He's Italian or some shit, part of some fucked up Mafia which means she gets millions to spend on whatever the fuck she wants."~Elle

"That's why you call her a gold digger."~Andy

"She doesn't even love him, I know she doesn't."~Elle. He runs his hand through my hair lightly as I sigh.

"Why don't you invite your brother over?"~Andy


"Wouldn't it be nice to see him?"~Andy

"Yeah but I've not seen him for 12 years."~Elle

"You still speak to him though, right?"~Andy

"Yeah, what's your point?"~Elle

"Invite him over, c'mon. You guys need a reunion."~Andy

"Okay, fine, I give in."~I say and text him.

"Which brother is it?"~Andy


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