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Elle's Outfit

Elle's Outfit

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Brooklyn, New York

June 25th, 2020

Elle's P.O.V

"Morning."~I say to Andy as he nods my way, not saying a word as he goes to sit in the living room. Dream runs over to him, circling him before he sits down as he jumps on the sofa beside him and lays his head on Andy's lap.

"Do you want anything?"~I ask him but he says nothing. Weird. I finish my fruit and yoghurt, putting the bowl in the sink as I wipe my hands and go into the living room. Sitting down on the other sofa, I grab my phone from beside me and look everywhere for something that could've annoyed him, but nothing showed any signs.

"Andy, what's wrong?"~Elle. He looks over at me briefly, his eyes colder than ice as I furrow my eyebrows.

"Is it something I did?"~Elle. No response.

"Look, I've not a fucking clue what I've done so you can either man up and tell me or I'll go out with your  bandmates by myself."~Elle. He looks at me again, rolling his eyes as I do the same. My phone starts ringing from my lap as I turn it over, seeing Rhianne was calling me so I pick up.

"Hey Elle, what are you doing next week?"~Rhianne

"Nothing why?"~I reply, putting my phone on speaker as I go back to the kitchen to do the dishes.

"Harry Styles requested you and the other four as a surprise opening act for Love on Tour here in NYC, all three dates."~Rhianne


"Yeah, he said you guys are really lovely and you have an amazing voice."~Rhianne

"I'm sure we'll be there."~I smile to myself as I finish doing the dishes.

"See you then."~Rhianne says as she hangs up. I dry my hands, running them through my hair as my phone starts ringing again.

"Hey Darlin, is Andy with you he won't answer his phone."~Imogen says as I look at Andy who was staring furiously at the wall.

"He's here but he's dead silent, won't answer me either."~Elle

"He's probably just in a mood, best to leave him then."~Imogen

"That's what I'm gonna do, how are you, Imogen?"~Elle

"Oh, I'm lovely, how are you?"~Imogen

"I'm good, just tired from all the songwriting."~Elle

"I should let you get back to it, I'll see you soon."~Imogen

"You too."~I say as she hangs up. Putting my phone back in my pocket, I grab my jacket from the sofa and put it on, moving my hair out of the way as Andy looks up at me.

"If you're gonna be mute all day then don't expect me to be here."~Elle

"Just 'cause you're in doesn't give you the right to flirt with other people, Elle."~Andy

"What are you on about?"~Elle

"You think I don't see you flirting with that Shawn Mendes kid?"~Andy says and I fight the urge to laugh at his immaturity.

"You're joking right?"~Elle

"Why would I be joking?"~Andy says and I shake my head.

"You're acting like a child."~Elle

"Then stop flirting with other guys."~Andy

"Is this because of what happened at the studio the other day?"~Elle. He rolls his eyes and I finally let myself laugh.

"This isn't funny."~Andy

"It is for me, you think because I was playing with his hair I was flirting with him?"~Elle

"You don't do that with me."~Andy

"That's cause it turns you on and I'd rather not have a horny Andy on my case 24/7. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go out now."~Elle


The sky had gone black, little white stars glistening as I looked forward and see Jinxx came to a halt.

"This is Miss Greene's stop."~Jinxx

"You're weird you know, alright, see you soon guys."~I smile as I get out of the car and walk up the steps of the house. I open the door quietly, shutting it at the same level of sound as I walk and stand in the living room door frame.

"Fuck!"~Andy screeches at his game, throwing the controller near the tv as I giggle.

"Careful, you'll break the TV."~Elle

"Jesus Christ."~He says after I'd scared him.

"You done being in a mood now?"~Elle

"It was pathetic."~He laughs and I nod.

"I know it was."~Elle

"Alright, no need for that tone."~Andy

"I forgot to tell you that Reece has invited us both to his wife's birthday party this weekend."~Elle

"Awh, good, I love her cooking."~Andy

"Everyone does."~Elle



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