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Elle's Outfit

Elle's Outfit

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Day 1 of the 'Dreaming Kids' tour.

Manchester, England

January 15th, 2020

Elle's P.O.V

"You guys are stubborn."~Leonie says as I shrug.

"Shouldn't be such a hard arse about everything."~Elle

"Elle c'mon, it's been 22 days and you haven't spoken once. He's messaged you plenty, you're the one being a child."~Rye

"Soundcheck!"~George calls as we all move off of our arses and walk inside the venue. O2 Ritz today. Everyone else gets set up on stage as I go to grab my mic from backstage.

"Who's got my mic?"~I ask as Andy comes off stage with my mic.

"His was having technical difficulties so I gave him yours for a little bit."~George says as I sigh. I take my mic off him and walk onto the stage.

We do the run-through of the setlist before getting off the stage to get ready for it.

"One sec."~I say as they walk to the dressing room. I go to The Covas dressing room, knocking on softly as Buckles answers.

"Hey, just wanted to wish you guys luck."~Elle

"Thank you so much."~Buckles replies before I begin to walk back to my dressing room.

"Alright, Elle, you can do this."~I say to myself as I put my ribbon in my hair. I move some of my fringe out of the way of my eyes, making sure it looked okay as someone walks into my dressing room and shuts the door behind them.

"Hey Kie."~Elle

"Andy's getting really worked up about this Elle."~Kie

"Good, guess his lesson's been learnt."~Elle

"What are you talking about? He's been on edge for the past three weeks waiting for a reply and you gave him nothing. You're being selfish, you should apologise. You did run off for no reason."~Kie

"You don't think I know that Kieran?! You don't think I've been awful about doing that to him? You've got no fucking clue, I'm terrified of going back to him and he'll want to break up. I can't be dealing with an Empty heart again Kie, I can't do it. I lost four years of my life wasting away for Harrison and look where it got me."~Elle

"Then get out there and apologise."~Kie

"Andy's on stage."~I say and he realises the time.

"Okay, we're gonna have to wait till after the show then."~Kie


The two girls and boys are on stage, playing the starting to 'Kamikaze Camouflage' as I grab my mic and run on stage just as I was to sing. The crowd goes wild as my adrenaline kicks in properly, walking around stage etc being my usual self as the crowd sings along.

"They won't see through your mask, Kamikaze Camouflage."~I sing and stand at the end of the stage. Once the song had finished, I walked over to Ryleigh.

"This is Ryleigh, she's a fucking weirdo."~Elle. I walk to Leonie as she looks at me with a small smile.

"This is Leonie, she's a boy magnet."~Elle. I walk to Jamie and see him laugh.

"This is Jamie, looks like a Peaky Blinder, could be a Peaky Blinder."~Elle. I step up onto the raised part of the stage to Kieran as he laughs.

"This is Kieran, can't control himself around other women."~Elle. I walk back off the stage.

"I am Elle, I'm a fucking nightmare, I can assure you."~Elle

"We are the Wonders of Elle, thank you so much for coming out Manchester,"~Elle.

"This next one I wrote whilst touring with Black Veil Brides."~I say and everyone cheers.

"I know, they're fucking amazing. Especially that lead singer, dang he's hot. Anyway, I got bored one day and decided to write this one. This one's called Accidental Love."~I say and the lights go down as everyone cheers.

We get through the album, leaving Firestorm for last as I stand at the end of the stage.

"For this one, I want you guys to give this one a good sing alright? I want you to sing along to this one carefully. I also want to invite The Covasettes and Andy back onto the stage for this one."~I say as The Covas and Andy both come back on. The backing track for 'Firestorm' starts playing as Kieran starts as well as the other three.

"This our very last song, I hope you guys have enjoyed the night. It's gonna be hard to top the crowd from tonight, you guys have been amazing. This one's called Firestorm."~Elle. Everyone cheers loudly as I go back to the mic stand and put my mic on it.

"In my eyes, you see, that you're better off with me. But you pretend that you don't know."~Elle. The crowd sings along loudly as I take my mic back off the stand and walk over to Andy.

"If we ignore it, if we forget happens now. We both know, we both know. We could be a firestorm, unpredictable. We could be a firestorm, in a spiral of our own."~Elle. Andy smiles at me softly as I wrap one arm around his neck. I kiss his cheek briefly before letting go and walking right to the front of the stage. I sit down at the edge, watching as the flashlights wave around in the air as I continue with the song.

"We could be a firestorm, unpredictable. We could be a firestorm, in a spiral of our own. Don't settle down, settle down. Don't think about, think about. Come with me now, with me now."~Elle

"Sing this next part for me Manchester."~I say as everyone sings it as loud as possible. I smile, moving my hair as they all interact.

"Thank you so much, Manchester."~Elle

"Give it up for The Covasettes!"~I say and they cheer.

"Give it up for Andy Black!"~Elle

"Thank you so fucking much. Enjoy the rest of your life, we love you Manchester!"~I shout before we all leave the stage.

"That was incredible."~George states as Andy gets off the stage. I walk over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck before kissing him passionately.

"I'm so sorry for leaving Ohio. I love you."~Elle

"I love you too gorgeous."~Andy


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