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Elle's Outfit

Elle's Outfit

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Brooklyn, New York

November 30th, 2020

Elle's P.O.V

"Do you guys want to know up front or?"~Dr Thompson asks as Andy nods.

"Okay, I'll be back in a moment with the results."~She says before disappearing.

"I'm glad we waited until 20 weeks."~Elle

"So am I gorgeous."~Andy says, moving some hair from my face as I smile up at him. After I wiped my stomach from the gel, I pulled my shirt down and played with my engagement ring in nervousness, waiting for Dr Thompson to come back.

"You guys should be happy to know that you've been blessed with another little girl."~Dr Thompson says softly as Andy's eyes light up.

"Congratulations you two."~Dr Thompson says, handing us a scan picture as Andy smiles.


"What's going on you guys?"~Ryleigh asks as our entire friend group and a few family members on skype ask as Andy goes into the kitchen.

"I have some news."~Elle

"Oh my god, are you going solo? Please don't."~Kieran asks and I laugh.

"No worries, I'm not going solo."~Elle

"Oh thank god."~Kie

"What's going on you guys?"~Jinxx asks as Andy walks back in.

"Shall I just straight up tell them?"~Andy

"If you want, hasn't stopped you in the past."~Elle

"Eleanor's pregnant again."~Andy says and everyone's faces light up immediatly.

"Oh my gosh!"~Jamie squeals, causing everyone to laugh. 

"Since when?"~Rye asks us. As soon as she realises we hadn't responded, she looks at us with narrow eyes as everyone goes silent again.

"Now, we have a reason for hiding it from you for so long, and I don't want you to get mad, but I found out on your wedding day."~Elle

"That was four months ago!"~Ash

"We know, but Elle was scared so we swore not to tell."~Andy

"She has a reason."~Jamie says and I smile.

"How far along are you?"~Kie

"Just over 6 months."~Elle

"How did none of us notice? We've played Arenas since then and you've been so mellow."~Leonie says and I smile.

"Did anyone else actually know?"~Jamie

"Management did, and Harry Styles did before you all."~Elle

"How did he know?!"~Ryleigh

"He asked why I wasn't jumping around on stage like I usually was and duh, it's Harry Styles, I'm not gonna lie to him."~Elle

"But you can lie to us?"~CC

"Yeah pretty much."~Elle

"Fair point Elle."~Leonie

"I would do the same if it were Harry Styles."~Ryleigh says and I laugh.

"Wait, you guys know the gender right?"~Jake asks as everyone falls silent again.

"I know exactly what it is!"~Imogen cheers from the laptop, making Andy laugh.

"You guys have been blessed again haven't you?"~Ryleigh says as Andy wraps his arms around me from behind.

"We managed to be blessed with another girl."~Andy

"Are you gonna call her Jupiter?"~Leonie asks softly as I shake my head.

"We're naming her Astrid Marie."~Elle. Ryleigh begins tearing up as I laugh, watching everyone soften at the name.

"No crying, I don't want Elle to be in tears on the kitchen floor."~Andy says and everyone laughs.

"I'm so happy you guys are gonna be parents, you're the best couple ever."~Jinxx

"Why thank you Jinxx."~Andy

"Is she gonna be a Biersack or a Greene?"~Ryleigh

"Dumb question, obviously she's gonna be a Biersack."~CC remarks as I smile.

"I'm getting rid of my last name when we eventually get married so, she's having the same last name."~Elle

"I forgot you guys got engaged."~CC

"Pretty long time ago too now CC."~Jake says and he nods.

"Yo Elle, you better be good for our MCR Concert."~Leonie says and I laugh,

"I'll be fine."~Elle

"Maybe you can tell Frank about it."~Ryleigh

"I've not spoken to him since New Jersey, I'll just leave it."~Elle

"Fair enough."~Leonie says as my phone buzzes in my pocket. Taking it out, I read the contact name and furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"You okay?"~Andy

"My mum's messaged me."~Elle

"No way."~Ryleigh

"It's huge, Jesus Christ."~Elle

"Read it later."~Leonie says and I nod.



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