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Elle's Outfit

Elle's Outfit

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Cincinnati, Ohio

March 10th, 2020

Elle's P.O.V

"You okay love?"~Imogen asks me as I look at her.

"I think I've just got motion sickness or something."~Elle

"That's not good is it, do you want some pills?"~Imogen

"I'll be fine."~I smile softly as she nods. Andy squeezes my hand softly as we walk around Cincinnati with his parents.

"So, Elle, how's the band?"~Chris

"We're all doing well, we're on James Corden next week performing our new song and then I think another tour is being arranged for the new album."~Elle

"How does it feel to be getting so big?"~Chris


"I bet."~Chris says as my phone starts ringing. Taking my hand away from Andy's, I take it out of my pocket and answer the call.

"Elle I'm screaming!"~Rye screeches as I move my phone away from my ear so I didn't go deaf.

"I can tell Rye."~Elle

"I'm engaged!"~Rye

"He finally did it, Jesus Christ."~Elle

"Hey, I can hear you, Elle."~Ash says quietly as I laugh.

"Sorry, Ash."~I reply as Rye screeches.

"I want you to be my maid of honour."~Rye

"Really? What about Lee?"~Elle

"Lee's my Bridesmaid, she said you could be Maid of Honour."~Rye


"And Ash is gonna ask Andy to be his Best Man so you'll be walking down together."~Rye

"That's good then."~Elle

"Alright, I'm gonna go tell the lads, see ya soon."~Rye

"You too."~I reply before ending the call. I put my phone back in my pocket before intertwining my fingers with Andy's again.

"What was all that about?"~Andy

"Ash proposed."~Elle

"Finally, Jesus."~Andy says and I smile.


I sit beside Andy at the dinner table, drowning out the loud-speaking that his family were doing at I move a piece of steak around my plate.

"Elle, you okay love?"~Andy asks, snapping me out of my trance.

"Yeah, I just have a headache."~Elle

"You should go lie down Elle, it's not good for you to be sat upright."~Chris says as Imogen stands up.

"C'mon darling."~Imogen says as I stand up, walking upstairs as I lie down on Andy's bed.

"Don't tell the boys, but I went and bought you a pregnancy test earlier on."~Imogen

"I'm not-"~Elle

"You threw up this morning, you have a headache, you keep telling me you're tired and you've been acting weird towards my son, I know when to spot a Pregnant Lady."~Imogen says as I sit up.

"I'll be here when you've done."~She says as I sigh and take it from her, going to the bathroom. 

After following the instructions, I leave the test on the counter on a tissue and set my alarm for five minutes, aimlessly pacing around as my head was spinning constantly.

The alarm on my phone knocked some sense into me as I stopped it from going off and bit my lip before looking at the test.


"No no no, fuck."~I mutter to myself as I lean against the counter.

"Elle?"~Imogen asks as she walks in.

"It's positive."~Elle. I look down at the floor, finally being able to focus on something as she rubs my back.

"Congratulations and I can tell you now, Andy's gonna be very excited."~She whispers before leaving me alone.


I feel the bed dip beside me as I turn over to see Andy getting into bed as quietly as possible.

"You don't need to be quiet, I'm awake."~Elle

"Are you okay?"~He asks and I nod.

"Just feel ill."~Elle

"You wanna stay in bed tomorrow?"~Andy

"When will I ever say no to that?"~Elle. He smiles as I roll over and lay my head on his chest.

"Did your Mum say anything about me?"~Elle

"She just said you needed some rest."~Andy says and I sigh.

"One minute."~I say and get off the bed.

"What're you doing?"~Andy

"Close your eyes."~Elle. I peek out of the door and see his eyes closed as I walk over to him and put the test in his hand.

"What is this?"~Andy

"Open your eyes."~Elle. 

His eyes open softly, looking down at the test in his hand as his jaw drops.

"Is this real?"~Andy

"Turns out that's why I didn't feel well."~Elle. He smiles, putting the test on the side before pulling me into his body, wrapping his arms tightly around me.

"I love you so much."~Andy

"I love you too."~Elle.


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